Faith Healing, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

We all suffer pain.  Many of us may be in agonizing pain.  As a child of God, we go before our Pastor (or other titles such as Reverend, Father, Minister, etc) and request to be prayed for.  I have seen miracles all my life and I see them happening now.  But when a pastor makes a comment such as “you must have the faith to be healed”.  I or we can pray for you in faith, but you must accept in faith.  This, in my opinion, is very misleading.  Regardless of that individual’s faith, he may or may not be healed while upon the face of the Earth.  We can rest assured when Jesus Christ comes back, those who have accepted him as Lord and Savior will have a new glorified body.  Amen!!

Throughout the Bible healing and resurrection occurred.

The reason I say this is misleading is because although God has the power to heal instantly, he may decide not too for whatever reason.  As a new Christian or maybe even an old Christian, I am basically being told I do not have sufficient faith to be healed.  Just imagine for a moment, if you will, everyone who has ever lived since the beginning of time, received healing.  How many people would be upon the face of Earth now?   And, I just wonder, what Moses, Job, John The Baptist, and many others throughout our bible would have to say!  I am not saying stop praying for the sick.  We must have the faith in KNOWING that God has the power and the authority to heal us.  But don’t lose faith nor doubt your faith if he doesn’t heal you.

Faith Healing – The Need
When people are faced with a serious or debilitating illness, they often consider supernatural healing or faith healing as the final option. Our expectations for divine healing are often placed in a variety of sources, which present themselves as the only hope for a miraculous recovery. Some individuals will pursue the avenue of faith healers or those professing to have an “ability to heal.” Objects such as handkerchiefs, religious icons, or pilgrimages to holy sites are said to offer hope to those in desperate circumstances.

When faced with intense suffering, we may even be tempted to doubt the character of God. “Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable? Will you be to me like a deceptive brook, like a spring that fails?” (Jeremiah 15:18).

Others try to encourage us by confirming that “all things work together for good to those who love God” (Romans 8:28). Yet our suffering presents our greatest challenge to our faith. At some point we may even blame God for allowing our pain to continue. Or we may ask ourselves, “How much more faith do I need to be healed?”

Faith Healing – The Lesson – Jesus loves reaching out to people. He is well acquainted with pain and suffering. “It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn [God’s] decrees” (Psalm 119:71).

Faith Healing – The End Result
Healing is an act of unmerited mercy from a sovereign God. We do not put faith in faith itself (or men or objects), but rather in the grace and mercy of Jahveh-Ropheka, “God the Healer.” There is no doubt that Jesus cares deeply for us — He suffered and died so that we could live forever in God’s love. His healing doesn’t follow a process that would seem logical to us. Jesus healed blind eyes by applying mud, made from “divine spittle” (John 9:6–7)! Jesus was often unconventional, raising a dead widow’s son out of compassion, not because of her faith (Luke 7:13). Faith is not something we need to “conjure up” in order to be healed. God is ultimately in control of healing. Whatever the outcome, God is always with those who suffer and He understands their every pain and need. The cross reminds us that God always cares. God is offering us a wholeness that is even more perfect than physical or emotional healing. Perfect health is waiting for us in the resurrection. “Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:16–17).

In my opinion, the FAITH is knowing that I know that I know that God Has the power to heal instantly.  It is not by lack of faith that I am not healed.