Keith Nelson from BuckCherry thinks Critics are fools, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Buckcherry have toured heavily over the past few years and have also toured with many of their own musical heroes. What is like to go on the road with guys that have played a major role in influencing you and your guitar playing?

It is like going to school every night! We’ve played with KISS, we’ve played with Aerosmith and AC/DC. Each night after our set, I quickly get off stage, get out of my gig clothes and go out front and watch them. I am a fan of music and I love it. And being able to see those shows…you know… I have probably seen around 70 to 80 KISS shows so far just because we have toured with them twice. So it is just great man.

What has been the best advice some of these bands have imparted to you?

It is always about doing what you do and sticking to your guns and not letting critics bring you down if they don’t like what you’re doing. The guys in KISS for example, they get turned away from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame and the critics always love to hate those guys. But they go out every night to a full arena of people and rock them for two hours with songs that they all know. So I don’t think they’re the fools, I think the critics are the fools. So they are always positive about doing what we’re doing and not letting anyone discourage us. That is basically what I walk away from in the majority of those conversations.
