The National Enquirer “You’re A Freaking Douche”
The National Enquirer is running an article in their current magazine about the Actor Patrick Swayze. The Article is entitled “The End”. Well, unless you have been under a rock for the past year or so, it is well known through legit news sources that Patrick was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer back in March of 2008. He recently did an interview with Barbara Walters in January to set the record straight on how he is doing and how the treatment is going. He knows realistically that surviving this type of cancer is rare but has chosen to fight it and to continue working. I give him two thumbs up for that. He continues to work on his new made for TV Movie project “The Beast”, working on his book and spending time with his family.
Now for the “You’re a freaking Douche” of the week nomination. It goes out to the “National Enquirer” for running such a thoughtless and uncaring article. It seems the people that write for these scandal sheets are ruthless and uncompassionate forms of life at best. How would they feel if they had the same almost hopeless diagnosis and then on top of that stress had to deal with cameramen following them around and watching their every move? Or when they walk into a grocery store they basically see their obituary printed out for the whole world to see? Think about it, He is fighting for his life. Literally, for his life. And this Douche bag of a magazine runs an article saying it’s already over and He has gone home to die. Hell, back in March of 2008, they ran an article saying he had less than five weeks to live. They were wrong but they ran it anyway.
Patrick Swayze is not the first or last celebrity that has been featured in this worthless magazine with their life on the line and The National Enquirer already having their funeral covered long before they are dead.
Patrick may or may not survive but let’s give him a chance and the space to give it his best shot. It’s not a movie script, it’s real life. It’s his life. Let him live in peace …
So for this week and as far as I am concerned, for the entire year …
So to the “The National Enquirer” and the people that write those horrible stories “You’re a freaking Douche” of the Week”…
chuck gee