Another Example of the Horrors of the Music Business
The “Rock Gone Wild” Festival has been canceled but read on. This is taken from “Metal Sludge”
But read on, and your stomach will turn when you find out how BAD some really got screwed by ROCK GONE WILD and their related staff.
This whole turn of events really sucks for a lot of people. This sucks for fans who bought plane tickets, or went out of pocket making plans to go see their favorite band. For the rock fans who passed on ROCKLAHOMA or other events, to see this show for whatever reason. This sucks for those who went into overdrive locally in Iowa near the 2 different locations in preparing for 10-15 thousand people a day to invade their little community.
This also sucks for the bands. Some bands routed tours to play this event, and others made special event merchandise, and coordinated for months to appear in Iowa in late August. Some of these bands had planned for a reunion of sorts and have spent time and energy to prepare for it.
But like we just mentioned – it happens. And most bands understand and accept it.
“There is such a thing as Pay to Play, and then there is fucking highway robbery. ”
Read on my friends…and comment