Meet Deacon, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Ernie Lingerfelt, AKA Deacon. Thanks to Chuck for asking me to have some input in this category. Religion, what can be said about it that it doesn’t say for itself? Religion categorizes others by their appearance, religion says you can’t be a Christian if you are not what society says you should be. Religion says that you must become what we want you to be not what God wants you to be. The problem in the church world today is that it has become more of a social gathering than a place of worship. I’m not here to pick on any specific group, denomination, or any club. I feel as a Christian it is my responsibility to accept people for who they are. I attend a motorcycle ministry church in Henderson, KY called Set Free. Yes we are out of the norm. We have been ridiculed for the way we look, the way we dress, and even the way we worship. I know a lot of you out there have at one time or another been ridiculed for your appearance. What about some of you musicians with your long hair? Come on Goths, what about the stares you get? Let’s not forget about my group, the bikers. Religion says we are all wrong, but I say to hell with religion. I say that what we need to do is be who God wants us to be. It is our purpose as a Christian to accept people for who they are just as Jesus does. Let’s let God do the changing from the inside out, our job is to love them and love them for who they are. Religion sucks! Deacon