NOW THE PORN INDUSTRY NEEDS BAILING OUT TOO?, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

First it was the Financial part of America that needed a bailout from our Government. And right after that, the Auto industry raised their begging hands up. And now it’s the Porn Industry. I just read a recent story about Larry Flynt (Owner of “Hustler” magazine) and Joe Francis (Owner of “Girls Gone Wild”) both have asked Congress for a 5 Billion dollar helping hand too. Seems the Porn industry is in a recession too. During these financial hard times people are apparentlly not purchasing as much porn as Larry and Joe think we all should have. The Adult DVD sales have dipped around 22% last year. Thats alot less dollars and sperm being “spent” on Porn. I guess I can believe it. I can believe anything now. Where will this all stop? Can I get a bail out too? First off. The banking instuitions are so unforgiving for the most part … Ever bounce a check? Maybe not, but I have. Several times. I have made honest mistakes trying to keep up with the few hundreds of dollars I earn each payday. Well,when I bounce a check, the bank charges me $37.50 for an overdraft fee. That’s free money to them. Multiply that over and over by all the bounced check fees they charge everyone else too and well, you get the picture. I bet all the banks combined make millions of dollars each year from people just like us that work from pay check to pay check and occasionally drop the ball with our account because it runs so close sometimes. So here is my question for them and I don’t expect an answer. You (the Banking instiution) hold us to our mistakes and charge us unmercifully when we “blow it”. But now, the tables have turned. You now have “blown it”. But you cry mercy instead of punishment? I say “HELL NO”. Fall on your faces. You have already let many of us “fall on our faces”. How many people fell behind on their mortgage payments last year and you reposessed their homes? Their belongings? Their lifes? What about the ninety something year old lady that was being foreclosed on so she shot herself instead of letting you take it from her? Well, after the fact you forgave her mortgage. But that was only one out of thousands of homes you reposessed last year. Have the people forgotten this bit of history too? Back during the Great Depression when you ,” The banking instiutions of America”, couldn’t cash workers’ checks or give them their hard earned cash they had stored in your vaults. So what did you do? Did you show mercy on those people? Tell them to hang on? Give them some time to get back on their feet? HELL NO. You not only couldn’t give them their own money, so in turn, they couldn’t pay their mortgage to “who? To “YOU” the Banks. So what happened? “You” turned right around when you left the counter window and repossesed their homes and farms and sold them for profits. So once again, I say pick a side of your face you like the least and have a nice fall … Our Economy will bounce back stronger for it.

And the Auto industry needs a hand out too? You American Auto makers have been making and selling sub par cars for years … everyone knows that the best made vehicles are imports. They have been for years. It’s not the workers fault. It’s the designing engineers and the decision making people. So why haven’t you tried to compete with them? You haven’t. You have only continued to compete amongst your American competition. So basically, you have let the turtle outrun the hare. The three largest American Automobile makers should have come together years ago and stopped the inner bickering and competition. The competition is not with each of your three. It’s the imports you should have been competing with. Not I drive a “Ford” cause my Grand Paw did or, “I drive a “Chevy” cause my Daddy did. Hell, I shouldn’t even mention “Chrysler” but my Mom drove the shit out of those cheap ass cars while she was alive and why? Because her brother worked for Crysler. That’s why. Enough of the bail outs. You three companies need to get in an office somewhere. Shake hands, join sides and make up and get back to the drawing board. One thing about America, when forced to, “WE KICK ASS”. So screw the hand out. Start working for the common goal. Out design and out build the imports. We were down at Pearl Harbor and four years later on top of the world!! So get going!!!

And the Porn industry, you’re next. You don’t need a hand out. You need to lower your prices. Anyone purchased an adult video lately? Well, they basically shoot porn 24/7 and have massive dulpicators. So each DVD they produce might cost them a dollar at best to make. But then they turn around and sell it for $60.00 or somewhere in that area. You guys are killing us. Joe Francis has a private jet with his franschise name all over it. He’s not hurting. Niether is Larry Flynt. Doesn’t he have a gold plated wheel chair? You guys could lower you porfit margin and the sales will bounce back up. I’m not buying any porn because its just not worth paying for a DVD that expensive. I’m doing what alot of other Amercians are doing because of those prices. Making my own at home. 🙂 Larry and Joe, you want that 22% back? Rework those over prices DVDs you sell.

So in closing. Let’s stop the bailouts. We’re already bailing everyone else out for what ever “good” reason they can think of. This is America. Pull yourself up by the boot straps, take your licks and get back to work. That goes for everyday people and to Corporate America.

If you are interested. Here is the link to the orginal article.