Stand firm, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I have a peace that I haven’t had in a while. God revealed to me early this morning that I need to stand firm. I have prayed, I have cried, I have counseled. I have seeked infinite wisdom that only God can give. I have done all I can do, now God says I have to stand, stand firm and do what is pleasing to Him. He alone can give me the wisdom to do what is right. When I speak, I speak on my own behalf and what God has instructed me to say. In life there are many choices we have to make, although people say things happen for a reason, and I believe that to some point, but when something happens, the way we react determines what happens next. When Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil as the story is told in Matthew chapter four starting in verse one through eleven, it happened for a reason, but the way He reacted determined what happened next, shortly thereafter, our Salvation. When the devil throws something at us we can make a decision to determine what happens next. We also have the power through Christ to stand firm in our faith and our belief in Him. If you act upon temptation in a negative way, you can surely expect negative results. However, if you make positive decisions you can expect positive results from God, not necessarily from people. Just remember, you need to structure your life around what is pleasing to God, NOT MAN. That’s where I’m at today and that is where standing firm comes in, in my life. Please pray for me as I seek God’s direction for me in my life. God bless, Deacon