Good News, A Bastard steps down…”Van Jones”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

 He used this quote in his resignation statement..”They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.”

I saw enough video clips of this guy that show He is a racist and a extremist…so Dude, no one is smearing you but your self…

Here is  another quote from Van Jones…

‘The white polluters and the white environmentals are essentially steering poison into the people of colored communities. ”

Does that mean people of color don’t use the same resources? Dude come on…”We” all use the resources,it’ all up to us…not just the “white polluters”..

So good good bye and have a nice life….

Here is the link for his resignation

Here is the link for more stuff about him and his “belief” system…