Finally. . . ., pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

At long last, after many false starts, setbacks, and general weirdness, I’m am finally ready again to start writing for Kick Acts.

As promised, sometime before the end of this century, I will deliver to the good folks who run this site and those who read it a series of articles about the local concerts and the venues that thrived in this area through the late 1960s and into the 1980s.

Please stay tuned and my thanks to Al and Chuck for being so patient with me.

That being said, I’d like to stray a little from my originally promised topics and put the issue of shitty cover bands to the table.

Not that I have anything AGAINST cover bands because anyone that knows me is well aware of the fact that I’ve played in my fair share of them, but I’m talking about the ones that seem to draw people in droves (or not) and can’t play their way out of a paper bag. The ones with a screeching P.A., a 2 can light rig, a singer whose pitch is directly proportional to the amount of alcohol he consumes on a nightly basis, and two guys playing guitar that sound like they just bought them on the way to the gig. You know, the ones that you look at as a musician or an observer, scratch your head and say, “WTF ?”

We’ve all played in one or seen one, so let’s hear about it.

Names are optional and are relative to the amount of heat you’re willing to take.

I welcome all who want to share their thoughts and opinions.