In Honor of “Earth Day” today, do at least one of these today., pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Instead of using charcoal lighter to start your grill, use gasoline.
Instead of using valuable trees to start campfires, burn an old automobile tire instead.
Don’t throw out that old refrigerator or take it to a landfill, dump it in a river or creek instead. It makes a great fish santuary.
Don’t buy weedkiller, pour out used motor oil around your fences.
To save water today, don’t even pull your pants down when you go to the bathroom.Don’t even go to the bathroom, just go where you are.

Al Gore can turn up his air conditioners and increase his carbon footprint. And while we are on Al Gore, Someone needs to leave a carbon footprint on Al Gore’s head.

We need to bring back the 80’s, it’s National Hairspray day so “bangs High”!!

(this is all a joke so hold the hate mail)