Byron Hillegas for City Commissioner. “It’s time for a real change”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
As most of you know by now, I am running for Henderson City Commissioner this year. If I haven’t knocked on your door already, I will do my best to do that before the primary election next month. If you see me out and have a question for me, stop me and I’ll do my best to get it answered for you, or you can ask me here. The people that you vote for in this election will determine whether or not Henderson stays as it has been for years, or it grows. If I get elected into this position, YOU will be my boss. That’s right you will have been the ones that hired me and you will determine every two years thereafter whether or not I continue to work for you or hit the bricks. You tell me what you want for this town and what you would like to see within reason, and I will do my best to make it happen. I can only make you one promise. I will do my best to make this town a better place. When I put my mind to something, I get it done. I will not stop until this town is a better place to live, raise a family, own a business and call home. It’s time for the good ole boy’s club to pack it up and move on. Don’t get me wrong. The good old boys have done some good things, but they have lost sight of who they work for. You are their boss. The citizens of this town do not elect city officials into office so the officials can use their positions in government to benefit themselves. As a city official, they are to set what they want aside, and they are to do what is in your best interest. I am asking you to stand up and help make this town what it can be. I am asking you to stand up for your rights. I am asking for your vote. Re post this, stop by and get a stack of cards to pass out to your friends. Call me. I’ll bring them to you. Scream it from the top of the tallest building in town. We have had enough, and we are taking our town back!