Nashville Drummer falls thru Window! A sign?, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Only in Nashville were there are ten country cover bands per block playing all the same songs over in over! Maybe it’s a sign that it’s time to change the formula up? Watch the video. The guy is alright.


From Fox:

A drummer fell backwards out of a window during a performance at a Nashville, Tenn. honky tonk on Friday night, FOX59 reports.

The Don Kelley Band was playing “Ghost Riders in the Sky” at Robert’s Western World when drummer Stan Saxon took the scary tumble after standing up at the end of the performance to thank the crowd.

“My ear monitor pulled me back, it felt like somebody grabbed me by the shirt and yanked me to the ground,” Saxon told WKRN. “It was like the window wasn’t even there. The next thing I knew I was looking up at shards of glass going, ‘How did I get out here?”

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