Your writing skills are needed here, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Do you enjoy writing? Blogging? Reviewing movies or music or?… We here at Kickacts need writers. The pay is the same as mine $0.00 but you get the satisfaction of having a place to share your thoughts with a ready audience. We are looking for almost any topic you can think of. Politics,Photographers,  religion,ghosts, psychic’s, cooking, U.F.O’s, Big Foot, camping, racing, sports,movies, music, local scenes, national scenes, international scenes, vacation get a ways, mayhem, hip hop, country, gardening, horror stories, even Kickacts “Extreme” pages, (meaning we have a place for it but it’s not on the front page for those under 18) tattoo’s, you get the picture.

You can write as much or as little as you want. It’s no pressure but take a chance. You don’t have to be an expert writer or blogger. I certainly am not one either. I barely got through English in High School..;-)

So email us at or contact us through our Facebook page.