Giant hay bale kills former ELO cellist, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

 LONDON (Reuters) – A giant bale of hay has killed a founding member of the Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) band after it tumbled down a hill and crashed into his van. Cellist Mike Edwards, 62, died after the 600 kg (1,323 lb) bale rolled down a steep field in Devon, southern England, smashed through a hedge and careered on to the road. He died instantly in the freak accident on Friday afternoon. Police said they used photographs and YouTube footage to identify Edwards and are investigating whether the bale may have fallen from a tractor working on farmland near the road. Edwards, who played with the band between 1972 and 1975, is believed to have swerved into another vehicle as the bale crushed his cab. (Reporting by Paul Casciato; Editing by Steve Addison)