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Al’s News & Reviews

Al likes to find undiscovered & unsigned talent and showcase it. He’s also been known to rant about some lame ass movie.

Chuck’s Corner

From short stories to shit he’s read about in the newspaper … it’s all here … The Good, the Bad and the Ugly … and the moderately overrated.

Music Worth Buying

Music Worth Buying is a review of new and old music by Al’s friend TJR, a professional musician, and a friend of his who is a professional music fan. Make sure to comment on each review and let us know what you think.

Tell It All…To Big Brother Beer

Got a question about masturbating or how much harder can the economy suck? Ask here. No question to soft or too hard. You’ll get the answer you seek – with a twist.


It means what it means, meaning “general shit” will go here that doesn’t really have a home. You’ll still enjoy reading about it though.


It’s the place to come for a good joke, or a terrible joke you might not have heard.

In Concert

From local bands to touring bands, you’ll read about it here.

Legendary Albums

Here are the listings of albums that you must have in your collection or, you’re a tool. It’s as plain and simple as that. So take our word for it and go buy them or illegally download them, hell, it’s your IP address not ours. You won’t be disappointed, we have impeccable taste!

Local Bands Making Noise

We’ll showcase a band here each month and give them a chance to let you get to know and rate them.

Local Music Scene

In this area we’ll cover the club scenes and even bring back some of the ones that are no longer here. This is the “Happenings” … “the inside scoop” so stay tuned.

Local News

Don’t look for school closings here. It will be more like those two firefighters in Henderson that showed each other their nuts and now their asses are on fire from the public.

Morning Coffee

It’s the “Lite” side of us. Yes, we read the newspaper too, so if something catches our eyes, we’ll write about it.

Politics & Religion

The two things considered too taboo to write about, we tackle it all here.

Video Interviews

The reason we started the magazine in the first place. This a great idea and we know you’ll like it.