Gene Simmons gets called out by his son!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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Not sure how tough it would be to grow up being the son of a famous and very wealthy Dad. It had to have more perks than downfalls. I can only imagine that every once in a while you would grow tired of spending money or riding in Limo’s all your life. But, in the natural world with out all the glitter and glamour, Nick had a Dad, “Gene”. Gene had a son. It’s the “changing of the guard” story. The Student becomes the Master.  Here is Nick’s story!  An excerpt:  

“I used to take my father’s lessons as an eager student, wide-eyed and receptive. We never used to argue. Today we do, and sometimes things get heated, especially when it comes to politics or social issues. But through it all, I’ve found that he respects me more in the end, even if we never come to terms, than he did when I just passively agreed.”



For the rest head to The Vice or Bravewords!! NICK SIMMONS On Father GENE SIMMONS – “The Most Important Thing He Taught Me Is That – Just Like Everyone Else – Sometimes He Is Full Of Shit” –   

“I used to take my father’s lessons as an eager student, wide-eyed and receptive. We never used to argue. Today we do, and sometimes things get heated, especially when it comes to politics or social issues. But through it all, I’ve found that he respects me more in the end, even if we never come to terms, than he did when I just passively agreed.