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KickActs interviews Christina of “Oblivious Signal”!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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11168126_990900704262758_6388775561082468379_nWelcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and were you can be found online.

Oblivious Signal is a female fronted hard rock band from Deerfield Beach, FL. We can be found at

Who are your musical heroes and influences? Why?

My musical influences range from Laura Pausini, to Carry Underwood, some old school Mariah Carey, Lacuna Coil. Anything female fronted that shows a women’s talents in the music industry. I love fun fearless talented females. I like all types of music, so it is difficult to stick to just one influence.

Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in the music business?

The music business is like an investment in education in a way. You want to make it big, you have to invest. So work hard to make that investment so you can benefit from it. Also stick to your guns. Don’t let anyone try to dictate who you are and try to change you. 90% of well thought out ideas
with the correct marketing, push and dedication can actually gain you some traction in the industry. You just have to keep going regardless of the ups and downs. Networking is also VERY important. If you are afraid to pick up a phone and talk to someone, you may need to break out of that habit quick.
Nothing is more personal than picking up a phone and talking to an agent, an instrument company, a label or whoever one on one. Not via email which can easily be missed or deleted.

What piece of advice did you ignore that you wish you hadn’t?

Even though you play for yourself as well, if you are making a career of this, you have to think about your market and who you are appealing to and give them what they want as well. I ignored that advice 6 years ago and it took me a while to realize I wasted years going against the current. Music is a business and you have to know your market, and how to be relatable.

Do you have a greatest gig story or worst gig horror story you’d like to share?

Horror story…forgetting the most important cables for your backing tracks set 2 states over on tour and NOT having any replacements. After being so used to playing on a click track for so long, it was weird to have to go back to the days where we jammed by having to look at each other for the correct cues. haha.

Greatest gig story…ALL our gigs! We just wrapped up a great tour with Seasons After and FLAW so we had a lot of great times every single night meeting new fans all over the mid-east coast of the US.

Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of peckers or boobs? Make sock puppets? Sit in the dark and eat Cheetos?

Actually…I DO collect stamps!! I have since I was a kid. Coins as well. I was a member of the American Philatelic Association for a very long time.


What do you think about the current music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

The music scene is there, but after studying different genres I can see what the rock scene is missing, and that is the camaraderie that other genres have. You see all these artists collaborating with each other in the top 40 industry and helping bring up new comers. You don’t see too much of that in the rock work. It would be nice to have that mentorship approach that so many other genres have in their communities.

Do you think reality shows like American Idol, X factor and The Voice have helped or hurt the music industry as a whole?

I think those shows have helped discover people that have true talent. I actually auditioned for the The Voice many years ago. What I don’t agree with is having people that have already had their chance in the industry win the competition against those that never had the chance before. Those shows are not easy to compete in either. They are very stressful. You have to learn songs with a few days notice and get them and any choreography down asap. I am the worst at learning cover songs…I can’t even sing along
to the songs on the radio without making up my own lyrics. I can’t imagine doing all of that and having your life turned upside down in such fast nature. It takes a lot out of you, and I commend those that have the capability to deal with that type of high stress competition.

What is your opinion of unauthorized music downloads?

I hate it. It is very expensive now a days to record music and get it out there and market it. It costs thousands of dollars to do. The fact that someone can’t even spare .99 to download a song and has to steal drives me crazy. It takes a lot of years of investment in time, rehearsals, studio recording etc. to make music. Not many people realize that songs just don’t get created within seconds out of thin air for free.

Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear.

Nick our guitarist is a hard core sports fan. We actually have to coordinate our rehearsal schedules around his game schedules. Jason is our mechanic for our trips. Greg and I have Masters Degrees in Business and
Finance fields.

Hypothetical situation. You’re on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the survivors… Which one and why?

I think Gilligans Island was before any of our times in the band…we are 80’s babies. But now you have given us something to watch on the tour bus.

Do you know what a vinyl album is and have your ever purchased one? If so, what was it?

That I do know what it is. I have never purchased one though as I do not own a record player.

You’re marooned on an island with Justin Bieber. Do you choke him out the first night in his sleep or what?

As talented as Justin Bieber actually is, because he can play all sorts of instruments I think he would drive me nuts. Whether his past few years have been all about publicity stunts or teen angst, I don’t do well with childish drama.

What is your opinion of Miley Cyrus?

Talented and I heard she can be a sweet heart too. I think maybe some of the stuff she does is over top, but to each their own.
Which would you rather hear in concert? Lip synching or real vocals?


Click to purchase Oblivious Signal’s latest album!

It depends. I actually like Britney Spears and understand that all that choreography and singing at the same time can be difficult hence the lip synching. I do NOT agree with it in rock music though. I recently saw two rock bands that I really liked and the singers were lip synching. It actually through me aback because Rock is supposed to be so raw, and these specific two bands over processed it to a point where I could have just turned on the radio and listened to studio recordings. So the answer to the question is depends on what you are trying to accomplish and do in terms of entertaining.

Who, or what, is the next big thing?
Oblivious Signal haha!

One artist you can’t get enough of and can’t live without is…

Lifehouse! My ultimate de-stress band. I listen to them after shows to clam my adrenaline rush.

Confession time. Share a secret about yourself.

I’m a vegetarian. While the guys are grilling dogs on the road, I’m grilling veggie dogs.

Favorite movie of all time and why.

The Craft! Always been a favorite of mine. It would be nice to use witchy powers to do whatever I want when I want. Changing my hair color with one motion would be awesome!

Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

We appreciate all our fans over the past 8 years and are very excited where things will take us! Please keep updated on our website and social media networks. We love to interact with everyone! It’s really us responding. Our new CD Exordium also just dropped and can be purchased across music retailers. Please request our single “Crash” on your local rock stations too!

For more awesome  KickActs interviews go here!


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Posted by Chuck Gee - July 3, 2015 at 12:00 AM

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