Posts tagged "Genre Destroying"

Check out “MOETAR” !, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

MoeTar is:
Moorea Dickason – Vocals •
Tarik Ragab – Bass •
Matt Lebofsky – Keys •
Matthew Heulitt – Guitar •
David M Flores – Drums •
Jonathan Herrera – Keyboards •

Describing MoeTar is no easy feat. In fact, the task is as challenging as the band’s music itself. A simplistic and accurate statementcould be “MoeTar sounds like the Beatles + Frank Zappa + XTC on Acid”. You could also try to peg MoeTar to a list of genres, but who the hell knows what a prog-pop-fusion-avant fusion band sounds like anyway?

MoeTar’s two main protagonists, lead singer Moorea Dickason and bassist/songwriter/lyricist Tarik Ragab, along with a versatile crew of musicians, including guitarist Matthew Charles Heulitt (Zigaboo Modeliste, Narada Michael Walden), drummer David Flores and keyboardist Matt Lebofsky (miRthkon), and keyboardist Jonathan Herrera create catchy, yet complex, music that attempts to make sense of our confusing world.The fact is, MoeTar’s music defies categorization and, therein, lies the band’s special appeal. Tricky rhythms and technical pyrotechnics are not in themselves anything special.

On Entropy of the Century, MoeTar expands its palette even further. The band understands the power of pop to deliver a message that sticks, but unlike most pop, uses the full breadth of the musical language to convey that message.

Entropy of the Century captures an important new band coming into its own, harnessing the disparate powers of its extraordinary musicians for a common purpose. Don’t bother trying to define the band. Just listen.


MoeTar: Entropy Of The Century CD Cover
Buy Directly from Magna Carta $15.98
CD Not Shipping until August 19
[shipping/handling included within USA]

Download The Album August 19th.





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Posted by Chuck Gee - January 20, 2015 at 8:21 AM

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