Posts tagged "hello"

Adele is back! Here is her first release “Hello”!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

It’s gonna tough to ever beat “Skyfall” in my opinion but this is a another great song from her new album! Over 4 million YouTube hits in one day!


WATCH: Adele’s First Video In Three Years, ‘Hello’ | UPROXX

Adele-25-CoverThe Xavier Dolan directed video has Adele in an older home flashing back to her time there with an ex-lover (portrayed by Mack Wilds). As she revealed to Zane Lowe “it’s not a groundbreaking video in terms of effects or dance moves, but it’s my best video, and I’m so proud of it.” Keeping up the premise of 25 being a “make-up record,” “Hello” has Adele apologizing to a past love for breaking their heart. The melancholy in the piano-fueled production enhances the remorse Adele expresses throughout the song.





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Posted by Chuck Gee - October 23, 2015 at 1:07 PM

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