Posts tagged "dammit maurie"

Damnit Maurie of KISS 92.5 interveiws Rob Zombie, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Here is a video of an interview with Rob Zombie from Damnit Maurie of “The Roz & Mocha Show” on Toronto, Ontario, Canada’s KISS 92.5 radio station…MIght be a lesson in here on what not to do during an interview. The interview”er keeps stepping in during Rob’s conversation. Rob is pretty cool about it. Also the helmet cam is a little “shaky”.

I also got to add here why in the hell does every (almost every) gay person got to make the “I am gay” announcement. This guy made it twice in the 13 minute interview and told Rob Zombie he was “afraid of boobs” twice….jeesh….I don’t make the announcement I’m not gay and I like boobs every chance i get….once again why would you define yourself by what you put in your mouth?

But back to the interview. Enjoy, its pretty cool anyway and you get to Sheri Zombie get up and walk out and the gay guy does look at her ass….


Posted by Chuck Gee - September 21, 2012 at 8:27 AM

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