Posts tagged "joe satriani"

Guitar God Joe Satriani’s diet regiment!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I didn’t write the article so I will only copy one paragraph but I like what he says 🙂 For the rest hit the link below it. But for people who think snowboarding and stuff like that is only for the younger generation…think again.


Joe Satriani on fitness

You’ve always been lean. I guess you’re careful about what you eat.

In the past 20 years, I’ve tried vegan, vegetarian, no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol, no wheat … I’ve tried just about everything. Now my diet is “just whatever.” Any kind of food that will keep me alive, I eat it. I do consciously watch my weight; I’m careful about calories. I remember when I went off sugar for about four years, but when I got back into it, man did I enjoy it …. I stay away from artificial stuff and just try not to eat too much.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - January 9, 2014 at 8:32 AM

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