Posts tagged "psychedelic rock"

KickActs interviews “The Hipnotics”!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about Hipnotics and were you can be found online.

DPKMAIN HipnoticsWe are a psychedelic rock band with a new single out called “Preacher Man”. You can find us here:


Who are your musical heroes and influences? Why?

Musical heroes would be bands like The Grateful Dead – defying the means of popular music and their ability to bring masses of people together in the name of peace love and madness.

Never have we seen so many people into what seems like a cult of hippies striving to dance it all out.

Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in the music business?

Make sure you’re grounded in your music, believe everything you’re putting out and don’t bullshit yourself. You can’t be something you’re not – you gotta be every embodiment of what you believe in and who you are.

What piece of advice did you ignore that you wish you hadn’t?

Things get extremely hard, people say things that don’t happen and don’t let that get you down – keep on trying and never give up. Things will get hard; let your music be your therapy.

Do you have a greatest gig story or worst gig horror story you’d like to share?

Yeah, this summer we shoved about 60 people in the smallest room possible and had strobe lights at all corners of the room. We played for about 4 hours straight and even saw some people pass out from exhaustion. It was one of the most memorable experiences of our lives – feeding off the hungry thrash heads of Los Angeles.

Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of dicks or boobs?  Make sock puppets? Sit in the dark and eat Cheetos?

Matt is super into photography Read more…

Posted by Chuck Gee - October 23, 2015 at 12:00 AM

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