Posts tagged "running faster"

Kickacts interviews “The Antics”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

The Antics are a very hot band from Princeton, New Jersey. We started in 2010 and came out with our debut album “Running Faster” in late 2012. You can find us at as well as We’re also on twitter.


Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Some of our musical influences include The Beatles, Elvis Costello, Joy Division, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Smiths, The Doors, and The Strokes. Our sound is heavily influenced by post-punk, garage rock, and surf rock.

Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

Stay away from trying to sound exactly like your favorite band. It can be tempting at times but you just have to keep working towards your own sound and style.

Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

Our greatest gig ever for us was probably when we played in Connecticut and got to “trash” a hotel for the first time. We left pizza out on the table and woke up to the smell of spoiled cheese in the morning.

On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

The high school talent show when Luke decided to slide across the floor and ripped his cable out in process. It’s on video. Very funny. We didn’t win.

Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

In our spare time we enjoy going to Princeton and stuffing ourselves full of hot wings and energy drinks. We like to live on the edge.

What do you think about the present music scene or lack of?

We expected pop punk to be dead. I guess that makes us “post pop-punk” or something. It’s disappointing when a band’s influences don’t date back further than 1996.

Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… (Like their hobbies or something like that)

Luke enjoys the art of language. He speaks German and Korean. Josh is into anime and Japanese culture. Kyle is actually a big fan of abstract artwork. He is a big supporter of local artists and often buys paintings from his friends. Last but not least, Derek is a car enthusiast. He likes reading about cars and modifying them.Cover

Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls. Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

Mary Ann or Ginger (Yum!!). Mrs. Howell scares me.

Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s where you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”

Be our friend on Facebook, we might send you a love note..wink wink


The guys in The Antics and their promotional company have been kind enough to provide a Cd to giveaway to one lucky reader. Send your mailing address to (include the antics in the subject matter) and we will draw for a winner!

Posted by Chuck Gee - April 12, 2013 at 12:00 AM

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