Archive for June 20th, 2014

QUEEN & Adam Lambert Chicago 06/19/2014 vids, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I guess about the only thing I find annoying about Adam Lambert singing with QUEEN is that Adam is not moving around… Almost like he’s not really into it at all….opinions from Minions?


I got the videos off Youtube, hat tip to…cos2mwiz


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Posted by Chuck Gee - June 20, 2014 at 12:06 PM

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Once “the Greatest Band in the Land” How much more…, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

money can they get out of people?? From selling KISS coffins to KISS condoms. You can buy busted concert guitars for $5,500.00 and used Microphones ($3,000.00) from each show. KISS Kruises and KISS coffee. KISS this and KISS that… For the past few years they have offered VIP “Meet and Greets” before the shows. I can dig that, hang out with the band and take a few photographs. That goes for $1000.00 dollars and doesn’t include a ticket to the show.

But now it even gets worse…

For the small price of $500.00 you can get the “Ultimate Onstage and Backstage Experience”. You get to look at Paul’s vocal station. Gene’s bass station and Tommy and Eric’s stations too and get a photograph with the road crew and have a “Question and Answer” session… In some select markets KISS’s Manager Doc McGee will come out and meet with you…

Roadies are important. They make the shows happen. They are the behind the scene guys. But really? $500.00 bucks to walk on the stage? No disrespect to the crew but come on what’s next? Are they going to sell the uneaten backstage catering food too ? How about the half rolls of toilet paper left in the bathroom by the band?

It’s America and you can pay what you want to pay and yea, KISS has a right to sale whatever they want to make a buck and someone will buy it… But for a band I once would have gone to the ends of the Earth for, it’s hard now as an adult to  see what’s next they are going to hawk and think WTH…Come on guys…:-( Is there no stoop too low?


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Posted by Chuck Gee - June 20, 2014 at 7:49 AM

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June 20th 1975… A day that scared the Hell out of people…, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

So many classic phrases…”We’re gonna need a bigger boat”. “Smile you son of a BITCH!” And more…

Don’t go into the WATER!  Who saw this when it first came out? I did…




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Posted by Chuck Gee - June 20, 2014 at 6:29 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

KickActs interviews Eric Seevers of “Social 66”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and were you can be found online.

My name is Eric Seevers, I play bass guitar for Social 66 we can be found @





Who are your musical heroes and influences? Why?

For me personally I grew up listening to thrash metal, played guitar and rode skateboards so I liked the faster heavier stuff. I always looked up to Alex Skolnic, Dave Mustaine, Danny Spits, Randy Rhoades. The faster music made me want to go harder and faster and I loved the way those guys made their guitars sound like a chainsaw slicing into raw meat. Some did it with elegance and some attacked it head on.


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in the music business?

RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! no seriously. its a tough, tough business and if you don’t have the drive and determination to take it as far as you can along with some tough skin you’ll find that this biz doesn’t care about you or your band you need to do it for the lvd of music and not of fame and fortune.


What piece of advice did you ignore that you wish you hadn’t?

Nothing really comes to mind because I felt like I never had a mentor to help me through it was always trial and error. I burned a few bridges along the way and built some real good ones too. but in the end it was just me and my desire to share my music with people and after a few right and wrong turns, here I am.


Do you have a greatest gig story or worst gig horror story you’d like to share?

I have a long history before I joined Social 66 so I have a lot of war stories but since Ive joined Social 66 Id say it would be when we played Planet Rock in battle creek MI with Saliva. From the time we showed up at this gig things were falling apart. When we finally got on stage Jason was having major issues with his gear and the FOH guy was pushing us to get started. Almost near meltdown we stripped it down to bare bones and just ripped into it. I seen this near empty room fill up quickly and start moving toward the stage and before you knew it we had a couple hundred screaming people in fort of us picking up what we were putting down. So what started out bad turned into a great night for us.


Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of peckers or boobs?  Make sock puppets? Sit in the dark and eat Cheetos?

Me personally I have too many damn hobbies! I play basketball, golf, snowboard, ride motorcycles, collect comics, ugh..,. I need to get rid of some.


What do you think about the current music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

It would appear to be hit and miss nowadays? Some markets can’t get enough rock n roll and some are ghost towns. It helps when you have a local rock station backing up the shows and letting people know there are cool things going on and when to get out there and support the bands that come through. without it it makes it difficult to keep people informed without the right promotions.


Do you think reality shows like American Idol, X factor and The Voice have helped or hurt the music industry as a whole?

HURT! if people at home think that is what real life is about then they are gravely mistaken! people need to grab a guitar grab your buddies and jam. learn to get better and go through getting the door slammed in your face a few times. a panel of judges and “america” voting is not real life.


What is your opinion of unauthorized music downloads?

I understand both sides being a fan and an artist. If people would look at paying for music as a donation to the artist to be able to make more music and continue touring and coming to their hometown then I think it would go better. Im not buying music to make someone rich, I buying music to help an artist make more music.


Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear.

Hard working, nice guys. We all have normal lives outside of this rock nroll thing just like everyone else and sometimes people lose sight of that. its not like we are super heroes with a cape coming in to slam your ear with loud drums and guitars. We will hang out with you, talk to you, drink with you, do what all of you are there for, have a good time and listen to good music.

Hypothetical situation. You’re on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the survivors… Which one and why?

mary ann, hands down. she might look sweet and innocent but I bet she’s a wild cat!


Do you know what a vinyl album is and have your ever purchased one? If so, what was it?

Yea I’m not as young as I look. I’ve owned a few in my life time but I still don’t buy that old BS that they sound better than CD’s. save that BS for someone else. I prefer a clear sound not some sandpaper scratchy ass vinyl record

You’re marooned on an island with Justin Bieber. Do you choke him out the first night in his sleep or what?

No Id keep him around and beat him up everyday and make him do the lame stuff I don’t want to do.


What is your opinion of Miley Cyrus?

You go Girl! stack that paper as high as you can because its all gonna come crashing down someday. Good luck keeping your kids from finding out about your past because in this day and age people are gonna find out what you do and did.


Which would you rather hear in concert?  Lip synching or real vocals?

Real Vocals! duh!


10485998_4608293621401_1222675418_nWho, or what, is the next big thing?

Social 66 and unsliced bread


One artist you can’t get enough of and can’t live without is…

Sebastion Bach. Can’t get enough old skid row. It’s my guilty pleasure.


Confession time. Share a secret about yourself.

I listen to pop music and I love it! there I said it. I don’t care what people think. if its good its good.


Favorite movie of all time and why.

Wow… too many to choose so I’ll cop out and say the Star Wars movies.


Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

Id like to thank all the Fans for helping us get to where we are at and to the future we about to be in. If it wasn’t for all of you we wouldn’t be here and I love you all.



Posted by Chuck Gee - June 20, 2014 at 12:00 AM

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