Posts tagged "classic rock"

The story behind the song “American Pie”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

What a great timeless song! The interview is a great piece and a rare look at the real story of how the song came to life!


51pnnojqfl“The big thing that happened was in 1969, I think it was. I had worked my way up and was playing the Newport Folk Festival, which was the biggest thing in the world you could ever do in those days. The Everly Brothers were there, and they put on a sensational rock ‘n’ roll show. They just blew all those folkies right out of their seats. Afterwards, they were standing together, and they seemed very approachable. I went up to Phil Everly and said, “You knew Buddy Holly, right?” He had a little raspy voice—”Yes, I knew Buddy.” He talked like that. I asked him, “So what happened?” He said, “Well, Buddy stayed behind to do his laundry.”

I said to myself, “Oh, my God… ” Suddenly, everything snapped into place. It was like Buddy Holly was a real person. Everything that I had known about him was all fixed in legend, but suddenly I realized he had dirty laundry, and he had to get this plane to catch up with the tour.”

For the complete interview click here <Music Aficionado>

Did the Muse kill Buddy Holly?  <CLICK HERE>

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Posted by Chuck Gee - October 19, 2016 at 6:27 AM

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“How Lineup Changes Affected Bands Differently” Rock Of Ages” Podcast!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Welcome to Ages of Rock Podcast!

Your co-hosts, Allen Tate, Bill Algee and Dennis

Talbott are 3 middle aged, semi mature, Midwestern men….

Talking Rock!


Episode 027 – How Lineup Changes Affected Bands Differently
In this episode we talk about a few bands (with guest co-host Trapper Crane) experiencing lineup
changes and what affect those changes (good and bad) had on bands.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - June 21, 2016 at 6:31 AM

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Brian Johnson releases new post AC/DC song!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Comedian Jim Breuer has released a new single titled “Mr. Rock n’ Roll,” which features vocals by AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson.

Related: AC/DC Discuss Brian Johnson’s Departure

“To me, Brian is the most powerful voice in rock and roll, Breuer told Rolling Stone. “He is also the funniest and most generous man I have ever known. I am still in awe of how he recorded the song and forever thankful.”

AC/DC was forced to postpone ten shows of their U.S. tour earlier this year after Johnson had “been advised by doctors to stop touring immediately or risk total hearing loss.”


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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 18, 2016 at 5:09 AM

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AC/DC’s first video with Axl Rose tour invitation!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I am not sure it’s a good fit but it will go down in history for sure!


From the :UltimateClassicRock

AC/DC Post Tour Invitation Video With Axl Rose

AC/DC will bring their Axl Rose experiment to Lisbon on May 7, and have posted a short video inviting fans to come out for the show.

In the clip, which you can watch above, Rose is seated alongside Angus Young and Cliff Williams as the three share their enthusiasm for the upcoming gig. “Lisbon, here we come,” says Young. “We’re really excited to be here in Portugal. We’re here to give you a great rock show, so we hope to see you all there.”

“Absolutely,” adds Rose. “We’re very excited to be there.”

“We’ll see you on Saturday,” says Williams, ending the clip with a thumbs up

Read More: AC/DC Post Tour Invitation Video With Axl Rose |

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 5, 2016 at 7:14 AM

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“Ages Of Rock” Episode 022 – Discussing the KISS Katalog PODCAST!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Welcome to Ages of Rock Podcast!

Your co-hosts, Allen Tate, Bill Algee and Dennis

Talbott are 3 middle aged, semi mature, Midwestern men….

Talking Rock!



Episode 022 – Discussing the KISS Katalog (Lick It Up thru Alive III)

In this episode, we continue discussing the Hottest Band in the World. We spend some time breaking down the albums from the Lick It Up through Alive III. Sit back and enjoy!




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Posted by Chuck Gee - April 14, 2016 at 10:00 AM

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Bun E. Carlos on his fellow Cheap Trick “Shareholders”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Man, this guy throws out the facts as fast as Cheap Trick releases any news. Not sure what happened but the band marriage is long over even though he is still getting his alimony…”On the drums, Mr. BUN E< CARLOS!” I never will forget that moment on the album…

Here is Bun E.’s latest FaceBook press release.

Re; Post R&R Hall Of Fame

When I heard that Cheap Trick were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame and that the Hall and HBO had decided that the four of us would perform again it was humbling, and being re-united for that final performance was an overwhelming honor that I’m grateful for. I’m proud that the work we’ve done over the past 40 years was recognized.

This should be a time of celebration, we’re in the Hall Of Fame, Cheap Trick have a new record out, and I’ve got a new solo record coming in June. But it’s hard to celebrate when the other three Shareholders of Cheap Trick are in all the papers and on the radio calling me names and saying things that aren’t true. I don’t seek out the press and have laid low, sometimes making statements in response to theirs, and I don’t have a big machine behind me to promote myself. I’ve been in Cheap Trick for over 40 years and there’s a lot of dirty laundry I could air, but I prefer not to. It’s a bad look for Cheap Trick and for the four of us as individuals.

That said there’s a few things that now need to be addressed.

As was hopefully evident Friday night, I’m in great health and my back is fine, has been since the corrective surgery many years ago, neither my back or my health has ever limited me professionally. I continue to play drums everyday, perform about 3 dozen shows a year, and now that I have a record deal I look forward to recording regularly, I’m doing well.

I no longer tour or record with Cheap Trick because the other Shareholders asked me to allow them to use a hired drummer instead. I reluctantly agreed provided that I wasn’t thrown out of the businesses we spent our whole lives building together. But then they cleaned house and under the advisement of their new team tried to remove me from our companies, which at the end of the day didn’t end well for them.

From day one the four of us in Cheap Trick have been defined by the unique sound and energy we have when we’re on stage or in the studio together. When Tom quit in the ’80’s we brought in salaried musicians, and they were very good, but without Tom the recipe was different. And seven years later, after Tom returned, I was the one who insisted Cheap Trick restore his corporate rights. We all realized that the four of us together have something special, so special that it made it worth getting a quarter of the earnings instead of a third. Last week I finally saw them play with our salaried drummer on The Today Show and it was like seeing Cheap Trick without Tom, or perhaps to borrow from what recently Rick stated in Rolling Stone, “…three men and a baby.”

Few bands get along after 40 years but for the sake of Cheap Trick I truly hope that Rick, Tom, & Robin can drop the gloves, stop the ugly name calling, and find a way to live and let live.


Bun E Carlos
Cheap Trick
April 12th, 2016
Rockford, IL

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Posted by Chuck Gee - April 13, 2016 at 6:49 AM

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Steve Miller doesn’t hold back on the RNRHOF!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

If you love Rock and Roll and agree with Steve Miller, please like and share!

A couple of nice quotes from: Rolling Stone

“I came out here for my fans. I came out for the people who take it seriously.”

steve-miller-0e5b9e14516267c3Was the Hall of Fame experience what you thought it would be?
Uh. No. No, it wasn’t. It was nice. The whole experience should be completely redesigned and become much more artist-friendly. 

“The whole process needs to be changed … It doesn’t need to be this hard. There’s nothing fancy going on out there that requires all of this stuff,” he said, before going on to complain about the $10,000 price of tickets for the ceremony. “They need to respect the artists they say they’re honoring, which they don’t.”

Do you think about recording any new albums?
No. I don’t think about it at all. There is no record business. I record a lot of things. There is no record business. There’s no reason for me to spend any money producing stuff that a record company… All the people that were sitting in the front row tonight, like the guy that came from my record company, I wanted to pull him by his necktie and kick him in the nuts.

$10,000 a ticket? Miller got just two tickets to attend his own induction to the Hall of Fame. Additional tickets would have cost him $10,000!

Read more:–kin-gangsters-and-crooks-20160411#ixzz45cO6lMSQ
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Posted by Chuck Gee - April 12, 2016 at 7:23 AM

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“Ages Of Rock” Rockpourri, Volume 1 PODCAST!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Welcome to Ages of Rock Podcast!

Your co-hosts, Allen Tate, Bill Algee and Dennis

Talbott are 3 middle aged, semi mature, Midwestern men….

Talking Rock!



Episode 014 – Rockpourri, Volume 1

This week we discuss several random topics, thus the show title, Rockpourri!





Episode 013 – A Conversation With KISS Army Co-founder Bill Starkey

Episode 012 – Our Chat With The Goddess Of Thunder

Episode 011 – Our Interview With Joe Joe Weekend

Episode 010 – One on One on One on One with Mitch Lafon

Episode 009 – The Hair Metal Albums We Think Rolling Stone Missed

Episode 008 – Rolling Stone Magazine’s Top 50 Hair Met Albums (AKA WTF) Part 2

Episode 007 – Rolling Stone Magazine’s Top 50 Hair Met Albums (AKA WTF?) – Part 1

Episode 006 – Ages of Rock Go To The Movies

Episode 005 – Musical Turkeys

Episode 004 – Music Is Visual!

Episode 003 – Desert Island Albums

Episode 002 – Our Concert History (AKA Bill’s Big Number)

Episode 001 – Our Introduction


Posted by Chuck Gee - March 15, 2016 at 8:23 AM

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AC/DC’s Brian Johnson “Kicked to the Curb” according to, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

his friend Jim BreuerIf the story is true, it doesn’t look like the AC/DC camp are nice people…

From: The Music

Brian Johnson-4

Following on from reports that AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson would stop touring with the band due to hearing issues, a close friend of the vocalist has come out and said that he was “kicked to the curb”. reports that Johnson told comedian and friend Jim Breuer – whose new rock album the AC/DC vocalist sung on — the news after a show at McCurdy’s Comedy Theatre in Florida last week.

The band’s situation was then broadcast to listeners of Breuer’s podcast, The Metal In Me.

In the new podcast which was posted today, Breuer claims Johnson was dumped after telling Angus Young the full extent of his hearing issues.

“[Brian] said that he called and let [AC/DC and Young] know, ‘Hey this is what the doctor said, but let’s try to figure this out. I don’t think it’s as bad as he said it is.’ Literally the next day in the press, it was ‘Brian Johnson, tour cancelled, he’s losing his hearing.’” Breuer revealed.

“[Brian said] ‘I would really like to finish and do some shows. I think we can knock this out.’ Then all his luggage that he toured with showed up at his driveway. There’s been no calls. No, ‘How’s your hearing? How’s your health?’ Boom. ‘Here’s your [stuff], nice to know you.’”

Breuer said Johnson was “depressed” about the situation.

“I’ve never seen him down before. He was upset that he feels like he kind of got kicked to the curb,” Breuer said.

The 10 postponed Rock Or Bust US tour dates will be rescheduled later in the year, but it is unknown who will take over vocal duties, with a guest vocalist said to be likely at this stage.

Here is the Podcast link:

For more go here:

AC/DC over? Brian Johnson Quits…!

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Posted by Chuck Gee - March 15, 2016 at 5:33 AM

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“Ages Of Rock” A Conversation With KISS Army Co-founder Bill Starkey, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

facbook-like-and-share-thumbs-upWelcome to Ages of Rock Podcast!

Your co-hosts, Allen Tate, Bill Algee and Dennis

Talbott are 3 middle aged, semi mature, Midwestern men….

Talking Rock!



Episode 013 – A Conversation With KISS Army Co-founder Bill Starkey


For More “Ages of Rocks Interviews! Ages of Rock!







Posted by Chuck Gee - February 12, 2016 at 8:06 AM

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