Posts tagged "tom peterson"

Bun E. Carlos on his fellow Cheap Trick “Shareholders”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Man, this guy throws out the facts as fast as Cheap Trick releases any news. Not sure what happened but the band marriage is long over even though he is still getting his alimony…”On the drums, Mr. BUN E< CARLOS!” I never will forget that moment on the album…

Here is Bun E.’s latest FaceBook press release.

Re; Post R&R Hall Of Fame

When I heard that Cheap Trick were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame and that the Hall and HBO had decided that the four of us would perform again it was humbling, and being re-united for that final performance was an overwhelming honor that I’m grateful for. I’m proud that the work we’ve done over the past 40 years was recognized.

This should be a time of celebration, we’re in the Hall Of Fame, Cheap Trick have a new record out, and I’ve got a new solo record coming in June. But it’s hard to celebrate when the other three Shareholders of Cheap Trick are in all the papers and on the radio calling me names and saying things that aren’t true. I don’t seek out the press and have laid low, sometimes making statements in response to theirs, and I don’t have a big machine behind me to promote myself. I’ve been in Cheap Trick for over 40 years and there’s a lot of dirty laundry I could air, but I prefer not to. It’s a bad look for Cheap Trick and for the four of us as individuals.

That said there’s a few things that now need to be addressed.

As was hopefully evident Friday night, I’m in great health and my back is fine, has been since the corrective surgery many years ago, neither my back or my health has ever limited me professionally. I continue to play drums everyday, perform about 3 dozen shows a year, and now that I have a record deal I look forward to recording regularly, I’m doing well.

I no longer tour or record with Cheap Trick because the other Shareholders asked me to allow them to use a hired drummer instead. I reluctantly agreed provided that I wasn’t thrown out of the businesses we spent our whole lives building together. But then they cleaned house and under the advisement of their new team tried to remove me from our companies, which at the end of the day didn’t end well for them.

From day one the four of us in Cheap Trick have been defined by the unique sound and energy we have when we’re on stage or in the studio together. When Tom quit in the ’80’s we brought in salaried musicians, and they were very good, but without Tom the recipe was different. And seven years later, after Tom returned, I was the one who insisted Cheap Trick restore his corporate rights. We all realized that the four of us together have something special, so special that it made it worth getting a quarter of the earnings instead of a third. Last week I finally saw them play with our salaried drummer on The Today Show and it was like seeing Cheap Trick without Tom, or perhaps to borrow from what recently Rick stated in Rolling Stone, “…three men and a baby.”

Few bands get along after 40 years but for the sake of Cheap Trick I truly hope that Rick, Tom, & Robin can drop the gloves, stop the ugly name calling, and find a way to live and let live.


Bun E Carlos
Cheap Trick
April 12th, 2016
Rockford, IL

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Posted by Chuck Gee - April 13, 2016 at 6:49 AM

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Cheap Trick ex drummer lawsuit details, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

CHICAGO (Courthouse News Service) – Cheap Trick’s disaffected drummer and its former manager claim in court that the three other band members owe them hundreds of thousands of dollars in tour proceeds and unpaid loans.

David Frey, Silent Partner Management, Brad Carlson aka Bun Carlos and Cheap Trick Unlimited Inc., sued Richard Nielsen, Thomas Peterson and Robin Zander in Cook County Court.

“Plaintiffs Carlos and Frey are, respectively, the drummer and manager for the world-renowned rock band Cheap Trick,” the complaint begins. “Plaintiffs are forced to bring this action against the three defendants (who are the other members of the band) due to defendants’ outright refusal to account for, or pay, hundreds of thousands of dollars which are owed to each of the plaintiffs, or to otherwise comply with their obligations to plaintiffs.”

The lawsuit claims that according to consent agreements signed by all four members of the band, “Carlos is no longer required to participate in live performances by the band, but remains a full member of the band, and is entitled to ‘continue to receive all remuneration due to him under the [Cheap Trick Companies’] Agreements (including, without limitation, all remuneration that would have been paid to him had he fully performed at all of the Live Performances) without delay, penalty or offset.”

Carlos claims the other members of the band have failed to honor the agreement, and owe him hundreds of thousands of dollars “by, among other things, refusing to allow Carlos to participate in any of the activities of the band (including the recording of a new studio album), entering into numerous contracts on behalf of the Cheap Trick Companies without Carlos’s consent, and otherwise preventing Carlos from participating in the management and operations of the Cheap Trick Companies.”

In June 2012, the three other band members also “purported to terminate Frey as the band’s manager,” the complaint states. “However, pursuant to the terms of the unanimous consent agreement, this purported termination is null and void because Carlos did not consent to it. Further, at the time of this purported termination, the band owed Frey and SPM $160,000 in deferred compensation, which defendants have improperly refused to pay.”

Frey adds that “following a horrific accidentcheap_trick_617_409 in July 2011 which occurred while defendants were performing, Frey graciously advanced $362,996 of the band’s expenses with his own personal American Express credit card, in exchange for the defendants’ express agreement that they would pay this money back in installments. Initially, the defendants made several installment payments in partial satisfaction of the repayment agreement. However, after purporting to terminate Frey, defendants sent American Express a check on behalf of Frey which was drawn on insufficient funds, and was rejected by the bank. Following defendants’ transmission of this ‘bounced’ check, they have failed to make any further payment to American Express whatsoever, or to otherwise acknowledge their obligation to Frey under the terms of the repayment agreement. At the time they ceased complying with the repayment agreement, the amount of $71,790 remained due and owing on Frey’s American Express credit card. This wrongful conduct has forced Frey to personally make payments to American Express to satisfy the remaining balance of $71,790, and has caused serious harm to Frey’s credit rating.

“Notably, defendants have failed to provide any justification whatsoever for the wrongful actions which they have perpetrated against the plaintiffs – as these acts are plainly unjustifiable (not to mention unconscionable).

“Enough is enough. Defendants should be ordered, inter alia, to account for and pay plaintiffs all the money they are owed, and to compensate the Cheap Trick Companies for their acts of self-dealing and other corporate misfeasance. The Court should also enjoin defendants from further misuse of the trademarks and other assets of the Cheap Trick Companies, and grant other appropriate relief,” according to the complaint.

for the rest of the article go here :

Posted by Chuck Gee - July 23, 2013 at 6:56 AM

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