Search Results: ten questions

Ten Questions with “The GoAround”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

 1.   Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.


Alexander- My name is Alexander Saddic. I started the band with a few friends during the winter of my freshman year in high school after a well-received last minute talent show performance. Anthony joined three years later. The band name, The GoAround, comes from a piloting term used to describe a second attempt at a failed landing. The fact that I have always been fascinated by aviation paired with my ultimate desire to use music as an empowerment tool made this a very fitting title for the band. Our music, merch, bio and links to all of our social networking sites can be found on our website, Our primary social networking effort is definitely Facebook (


Anthony- I am Anthony Saddic, keyboardist and sex appeal of The GoAround. We, The GoAround, play Rock music. We have really eclectic taste in music, and I think that it really shows through our music. You can hear a bit of blues, a bit of pop, a bit of rock, and so forth. Read more…

Posted by Chuck Gee - November 30, 2012 at 12:00 AM

Categories: General   Tags:

Ten Questions with The Mighty Kevin Book, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

It’s Halloween Eve again this year and once again no great pumpkin interviews, not one physic responded to my requests for interviews…I don’t get it. But it is what it is. so once again, I am running Kevin Books interview I did back in 2009. Enjoy…maybe next year someone will step up to the plate? Where is Ms. Utley when you need her??



blood_drippingbsr4thstreet11. Hey Kevin, welcome to Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Born July 1965 here in good ol’ Henderson, Ky. Started playing guitar at 7. My Dad bought me a hollow-body Kay guitar and brought it home. I started playing along with a Mel Bay 45 rpm on a little record player that taught you how to tune.

I didn’t have any records but my older sister did, so I snuck into her room and got KISS’s first album from her stack. I hid it under my bed and started playing it every single night after supper…and I mean every single night for about a year. My parents thought I was masturbating up there in my room all night long…but I wasn’t. What I was doing though was playing the bass lines on the guitar and I didn’t know it…

I finally got the courage to call my parents in to listen, and the first thing my mom said was..”You’re playing the bass lines…””You need a bass”…I had no idea. Back then you didn’t have MTV or the internet, so I only got to see pictures of bands once a month when all the music magazines came out…Creem, Hit Parader, Rolling Stone…etc…And I wasn’t allowed to have those magazines in the house, period.

So when I got a Bass…it was all over. I never came out of my room after supper again until I was about 15. I had been stealing my sisters records and recording them onto a cassette player to learn them…all the classics..Led Zep, Sabbath, Kiss, Rush, Ted Nugent but I also was playing stuff like Ohio Players, Billy Preston, and KC & the Sunshine band…I couldn’t get enough…so that had everything to do with my style today.

After graduation I started playing on the road..went from MACH, to a band called HOT ICE, then moved to Nashville and played and toured with a band named “London Angel”. That was in 1986. We played from Buffalo, NY down to Florida and from Memphis straight over to Myrtle Beach, SC and all points in between.

I’ve played in 31 states and had sex with women in every one of those states…I’ve stimulated the economy in my own special way.Then it was back home in 88 when my son was born. I didn’t wanna be one of those fathers. I wanted to raise my boy.I knew I could make money right here at home, that’s how Chet & the Molesters got goin..we actually changed the way bands played and how much they got paid for sure…we had the biggest and the best sound and lighting…like any “road” band that came into town. And when we filled a place with as much shit as we could…we made room for more…We were the hottest band in town for a while and made some bars and ourselves alot of money.

2. You play bass guitar in the band “BSR”. Tell us about the band and who is in it and the website address you guys can be found at.

Right now, It’s me, Brad wireman, and the newest guitarist in the band, Eric Smalley..

Brad and I haven’t had much luck with guitarists. It seems that every guitarist that we’ve played with is a big flake in some way or another.

The only guy that ever fit perfect was Jimmy Powers, and we played so much a few years back with him in the band that he actually got burnt out and semi-retired…He’s a fantastic guy and is always there when we need him. Luckily, guitar players are a dime a dozen and we seem to get lucky with these guitar slingers from Louisville…

Eric is a great player, has a great attitude and fits in perfect with the direction and type of material BSR is doing. We book gigs no matter what and no matter who the guitarist is…fuck em’…It’s a business too. We don’t take guitarist’s feelings into consideration when it comes to booking gigs…they can be replaced, usually in one phone call.


3. What type of gear do you use?

I only use a Sansamp RB-1 and run direct. No amp, period, I hate bass amps and big-ass bass amps bleeding all over everything on stage when trying to mix and get a good clean stage volume and mix out front. I mix from stage and it’s way better on monitor mixes and stage levels. Don’t believe what you hear about trying to keep up with loud drummers…it’s ALWAYS the bass player or guitar player that thinks they need a full stack to play a local gig…but that’s only my opinion.

Before the Sansamp, I only used a small Gallien Krueger MB 150 that I could fit in my lap. I get hooked up in about 20 seconds. Beautiful …

4. You guys are currently working on a new CD. Tell us about it.

It’s actually a cursed project as far as I’m concerned…it’s about the third time we’ve recorded some of the same songs and every time we record it, a guitar player flakes out and quits…Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of the songs and they sound fantastic.

We decided to record two different ones this time too, so it’s sounding real good. It was all done except for vocals, but now I’m gonna record over the guitar parts and let Eric have his way with them. It’s been a long time coming and actually has cause writers block for me. I’ve had a very hard time being able to write new material with these songs stuck in limbo…it will be out by summertime hopefully and you won’t be disappointed.

5. Do you have any “greatest gig” stories to tell?

I tell ya, all the stories and things you hear about bands on the road and gigs and groupies back in the 80’s and early 90’s?? It’s all true, and I lived it. All of it except the drugs part. I’ve never been into drugs. I had the most fun anybody could have…I just wish there had been digital cameras back then. I have very, very few things to remind me of those times.

They were all great gigs. Every one of them…except one.

6. And in the same vein, got any “worst gig ever” stories to share?

Yeah, In 1987, we played in York, Pennsylvania at a place called “The Cracker Barrel”…that’s right…the restaurant..

I guess that’s were it originated from, I don’t know….well, it had a bar in it, so needless to say, we came out blasting with our smoke and flash bombs while Grand-ma and Grand-pa were trying to eat their “all you can eat fish”…We played all of about a song and a half when they ran up to tell us to stop, they thought we were a country band.They told us to leave, and didn’t pay us…as we walked out I threw and kicked over about twenty of the rocking chairs they had outside…(they had those back then on the porch too…weird). I threw two of them into the road and a big semi crashed through one of them and jack-knifed right in the road…we took off. I remember people all lined up in the windows staring out at us as we ran by flipping all of them off…they were as horrified of us as we were of them.We were broke and had to sleep on the side of the road in the truck going to the next show in Allentown.

7. I ran into you a few years ago at the DMV in Henderson. At that time you said you were done playing. We all get that feeling every once in a while. But here you are playing out again. Music is a drug that can’t be refused for very long. What did you do while on hiatus and what brought you back?

The money you make in a three-piece band is awesome, period. That’s it. The money…

The older you get, the easier it is to get with guys you like and can make money with…Brad and I have played together for about 8 years now.

8. Who are your heroes and what inspired you to take up playing?

Gene Simmons was my first big rockstar hero type…I wanted to spit blood and breath fire. If you listen to bass now days, they don’t walk up and around the melody. Simmons had some really bad-ass bass lines in those old songs.I was into Geddy Lee and Bootsy Collins too, because of his star sunglasses.

9. Do you have any other hobbies other than playing Bass guitar?

I am an eBay whore…I’ve been selling full time on there since 2001. I’ll sell anything and everything, including your mom. I’ve made more money on eBay than any job I’ve ever had and I’ve done it all…from laying carpet to being a mail carrier for the USPS. My parents and I have bought and sold antiques all my life in antique malls,

eBay is just a natural for me because I know what sells and what doesn’t. I’ve also collected comics since I was six. I have a huge collection. I own just about every major key comic book from 1962 on. I hope one day to own Superman #1 which is worth about 125,000.00. I have every issue of Spiderman going back to the very first one “Amazing Fantasy 15” back in 1963…look those up and see how much they’re worth…*wink*…I’m retiring off them. The great thing about certain antiques and collectibles is that they are recession proof…like gold.

10. # 10 is called “Shout it Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead Kevin, and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!


Well, I’m glad I’ve been able to have fun, make money, and enjoy playing music in spite of all the drama, whiners, flaky-ass musicians and coat-tail hangers that infest the music business…even on a local level. It takes a lot of work to be able to keep something going for over a decade. Even a rock band… I’ll put our resume’ and list of accomplishments up against any band, anywhere. I’ve done it my way and I’m proud of it. I have plenty of friends out there and they know who they are, so I won’t have to use this space to kiss any asses.. I’ll pat myself on the back right here instead…and Brad’s back too. Oh and I love working at the Guitar Center…all the bad things and stories you hear from ex-employees or whatever stem from laziness and not knowing how to hustle and make money. You have to depend on yourself in life and not somebody else, and that carries over into how you live your life everyday and your job or jobs. To me, I have three jobs, eBay, BSR and the Guitar Center and I have a ball at all three…I worked hard to get it this way and I love my life.



1.  You and I are no longer in our 20’s or even 30’s and still like to rock but never pulled off the “Big Time”. Got any advice for the young cockstars that are currently hanging out at the Guitar Center everyday hashing it out on the free gear Guitar center provides?

What’s funny is all the snorting and roaring the singers do now…I don’t get that. BUT it’s been done before way back in the late 80’s early 90’s with Pantera, so it’s nothing original. I hear the exact same guitar riffs everyday coming from those young guys…and when you ask them to play a twelve bar blues lead in B flat, they look totally confused and don’t know what you mean.

It has nothing to do with the Guitar Center at all, it’s the fact that kids now don’t actually “listen” to the recordings like we had to in the old days to recreate what the bands were doing…they don’t spend time “listening” they just pull it up on youtube or their iphone or whatever…it’s electronic overload..they get it half way, then start hashing it out their own way and it sounds wrong…no patience in the “I want it right now” world. There are some very talented younger musicians out there though and you hear those guys too in the store. My son is one of them.

2.  You guys opened for Motley Crue Back in the 90’s during their “We’re Clean Drug &bsrtks Alcohol free” period in the band. Got any backstage dirt of these Mofo’s? I need something on them considering I got kicked out the Executive Inn in 1983 for banging on one of their hotel room doors when they were on top of the rock world.

Not really…They sucked ass then, and they suck ass now…we smoked them that night. The lead singer from Laid Law, the second opening band, said we should’ve been signed right then on the spot..Motley Crue has never impressed me…they were in the right place at the right time. I knew we were gonna smoke them, and we did. They were all standing off to either side of the stage watchin us while we were playin…they knew we were good too.

SUPER BONUS FROM THE EDITOR”S PHOTO ALBUM: I save everything and I happen to have one of Mach’s old business cards, slightly burnt from our house fire back in 1989. … 🙂


Special thanks to Kevin for playing  a long … Great answers from a great guy …

chuck gee

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Posted by Chuck Gee - October 30, 2012 at 9:00 AM

Categories: Ten Questions   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Ten Questions with Belmont Lights!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


1. Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself, your band, and where you can be found on the web.

Hello Kick Acts, we are Belmont Lights, (Casey Peek, Isaiah Blas, Jed Peek, Oscar Gonzalez), an Alt/Pop/Rock band hailing from San Diego, CA. We’ve been together for about 2 years now and have been under the name Belmont Lights since June 2012 [originally The Pennant]. We can be found at our band website <> as well as on Facebook at <> .

2. Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Our influences change constantly, but a constant influence of ours is definitely Coldplay because they are always exploring new sounds and new ways to make great music, which keeps them relevant and inspiring. Casey: “Right now I am really into OneRepublic; they infuse great songwriting and production into to great pop songs – there are so many new influences everyday, though.”

Check out this super hot track called “Halfway”

3. Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

Play to a live crowd as much as possible and start with open mics, it’s the only way to get real feedback from your songs. And in your song writing, be as real and transparent as possible, people connect with authentic passion. Be sure to study the business side of music just as much as the art of songwriting and instrumentation – the more you know, the less someone can lie to you. And lastly, not only do you need to have a strong presence on the web, but be sure to have solid recordings of your songs so when someone is interested they can easily take you home with them.

4. Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

We’ve had some really awesome gigs, along with some not so awesome ones, but I think our favorite one so far has been the first time we played the Main Stage at the House of Blues San Diego. It was our first show together and I don’t think any of us have ever been more nervous and more excited all at once. Not to mention the show was packed out with people, so that was awesome for our first gig.

5. On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

We’d hate to call any gig “worse” or “terrible”, but we’ve had shows where we couldn’t hear ourselves or even where only 2 people were in the crowd, but even those shows can end up being fun. The only time a show is terrible is when we don’t play the way we expect ourselves to play. The shows where we didn’t kill it on stage or connect to the audience would be our worst shows thus far.

6. Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

Isaiah: “I love sports and video games. Casey and I have been playing sports together for about 10 years. I also really enjoy watching stand up comedy. If I didn’t have such a beautiful voice, I’d be a comic (laugh).” Casey: “Other hobbies lets see…. most of us in the band enjoy playing basketball, soccer, and stickball”

7. What do you think about the present music scene or lack of?

€(Isaiah): “Music is constantly changing and evolving and that¹s what makes music so amazing. One year the scene could be totally electronic and the next year completely stripped down acoustic songs are popular. It’s all a matter of being inspired and how you interpret that inspiration to recreate your approach on music, so we love the music scene. We are really digging some of the bands that are hitting right now, for example, Imagine Dragons is an awesome band!

8. Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… (Like their hobbies or something like that)

Casey enjoys sports a lot and being outside. He played college soccer and didn¹t pick up a guitar until his Sophomore year in college when he was laid up with an injury. Isaiah finished high school with a 4.5 GPA and has only 11 units left for his degree in Psychology. He went to beauty school and cuts everyone in the band’s hair. Jed is an Anthropology major at UCLA and knows every lyric to every Kanye West song. Oscar use to be in metal bands until he was 18 and loves the ABC Family show Pretty Little Liars.

9. Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls. Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

Mary Ann – love the dark hair and light eyes.

10. # 10 is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s where you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

We want to take this opportunity to “Shout It Out Loud” about our recently released debut EP by the name of Telegraphs ­ the album is available on both iTunes and in hard copy at our shows. We need EVERYONE to go get it and spread the word about us, Belmont Lights.

Posted by Chuck Gee - October 12, 2012 at 6:44 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Ten Questions with “Reasons Be”!!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
  1.  Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

Scotty: I’m Scotty from Reasons Be.  I’m a native of Milwaukee, WI, and I started writing music when I was around 14 years old.  I started noticing that people were digging my style of writing from a very young age and it developed into its own unique thing.  Soon after, I started dabbling in bands until it got more serious and I began writing for other bands and focusing a lot of my time on creativity in music.  It became my passion and to this day music is the love of my life; even more than Keira Knightley or Bo Derrick.  It’s pretty incredible what the power of music can do!


Aside from music I am also an actor.  I’ve been in several national commercials, TV shows, and a few films out in Los Angeles.  I’m a busy boy and I wouldn’t want it any other way.  Life is good when you know you’re workin’ hard and seeing results… and I know I wouldn’t be seeing those results without the awesome people around me and having the fans interested in my work as an actor and musician.  I also really love crab legs.  Oh and fro-yo.  And puppies.  And beer.  And the Green Bay Packers.  And beer.  I’m afraid of ghosts and sharks.  But I respect them.  I ramble.


R.E.L.: This is R.E.L from Reasons Be. Born and raised in Israel I moved to LA 6 years ago. I actually only met Scotty just over a year ago. My music path started way back when I was a kid with some classical recorder (yes that thing!) studies for about 6 years (yes that long!). I only picked up a guitar when I was a senior in high school and I only really kicked into high gear a year before moving to the city of angels. I started studying privately in Israel and then Read more…

Posted by Chuck Gee - September 21, 2012 at 12:00 AM

Categories: General   Tags: ,

Ten Questions with “Sink Swim”!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.


Ay thanks for having me! Well, my name is Dane Petersen. I’m 19 years young and I sing, play guitar and write in the band Sink Swim that I recently founded. My band consists of me, Corey our drummer, Jake our guitarist, and Blake our bassist. Those dudes are my best pals and we are in love with music! Ha-ha, right now, the places you can find us on the web are kind of ever growing at the moment. But here are the main ones:

As well as iTunes and Amazon

Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?


I have a few artists that I really looked up to growing up and still do. Starting with John Lennon and Paul McCartney at a real early age. My dad is a massive Beatles fan so that was always playing and making a real positive impact on me pretty early on. Then I believe Blink 182 came next as some people in music I looked up to. I just remember thinking how badass they were and every song was in my head all day. That’s when head-banging came into my life ha-ha. And after that, Paramore, Coldplay and Mayday Parade’s music had big impacts on me in my early teen years. A lot of it would really get me through things and drove me to play music every day and become something. I have those artists to thank for that. The top music hero/influence is my dad though. He’s an artist as well, he plays piano, sings and writes songs. He’s always encouraged me to write and take my dreams seriously.


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music?


Do what you want to do and be original. I feel a lot of musicians somewhat begin mimicking bands completely to write music. I think it’s important to take influence where you feel it, but channel it into your own creativity. Take the feeling and vibes it gives you and play what comes out. At that point, I’d say if you really want it, you’ve got to keep going despite whatever challenges are thrown at you. Because you’re going to face them, but they make you learn and they fuel you. Always be you and go hard basically, haha.


 Any pitfalls they should avoid?


People who may try to bring you down or hold you back. Don’t ever let someone try and alter your dream for their own reasons.


Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?


Hmm I think I have a good one. I was in a band previously with Jake and we put on a show of our own at our then drummer’s huge barn in Hidden Valley. We had pretty high hopes for it to go well and it turned out better than we could’ve imagined for our first show as that group. A ton of people came, many of who of which we had no idea would come haha. And we put on a rad show. I would even see a few people tearing up or crying during a few songs. Indescribable feeling.


On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.


Haha yes I do. Although while it was a great night, the first concert I ever played when I was 14 was with a music school that would put us in bands and have us learn a few songs then we’d play a show at a venue. I was really nervous but excited to be the frontman and sing and play guitar for people. So when I went out for the first song, my guitar strap fell off from the top mid-song. Luckily I didn’t let it drop completely, I still had it by the neck. So I just kept playing haha and someone came out and re-hooked me. The crowd continued to cheer however so I didn’t get too embarrassed I don’t think haha!




 Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?


Hahaha you caught me. I’m constantly drawing pictures of boobs who told you?! But besides that, I’m constantly playing music and hanging with the guys. We like to go on crazy hikes a lot and get out of the man cave when we’ve been locked away playing music and video games. You know, MAN stuff.


 What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?


The music scene is growing and changing constantly in my opinion. People are opening up their eyes and ears to all kinds of music and artists are doing a lot more on their own as well. If you make it in the modern music scene you’ve really got to have something and so much hidden talent is being brought to the masses, which is exciting. 


 Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that.


Are you guys trying to get me in trouble? Haha well..Jake, is the most laid back guy I know. It seems like nothing can break that guy. But he’s the master of fucking with people haha. He’s got some crazy tricks up his sleeve. Corey is a super intelligent person, a real techy kind of guy. He recently hacked my Wii to add new textures to games I already own for example haha. He trips me out sometimes the way he whips out random knowledge. I call him “Snapple facts” sometimes. And Blake is also a very intelligent dude. He picks up everything musically really fast and he’s a magician behind a Macbook as well haha.


 Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls. Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?


My favorite interview question ever so far haha! Gilligan’s Island is definitely that old school. Mary Ann for sure. Have you seen those eyes? And other inappropriate things I probably shouldn’t mention? I hope that answers the question haha.


# 10 is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s where you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!


Damn there’s so much we could talk about! Uhhh, how bout them dodgers?

Posted by Chuck Gee - August 10, 2012 at 12:00 AM

Categories: General   Tags: ,

Ten Questions with Eric Schackne!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
  1. Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.


Hi my name is Eric and I’m an alcoh-  oops, wrong interview…I’m Eric Schackne and I’m pretty sure I’m the only struggling musician in the world.


I’m a singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist originally from South Florida (if you know where that is, then I’m from Ft. Lauderdale, and if you know where that is, then I’m from Davie).  Introducing my band sort of means just introducing myself because everything you hear in my music was written, played and produced by yours truly.  My Dad, being from the musician branch of the family, not-so-forcibly had me taking piano lessons since I was five.  I picked up a guitar just before high school, drums in college, and despite no real vocal training, had always loved singing.  Despite my one-man-band-ness, I do have some amazing musicians to help me play my tunes live.


I’m all over the interwebs though, and you can currently find all the info on me and my latest Hammers & Strings EP on the Facebooks and the YouTubes and the Twitters (

Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?


I’ve always had a pretty humble admiration toward Read more…

Posted by Chuck Gee - August 3, 2012 at 6:38 AM

Categories: General   Tags:

Ten Questions with “Planet Booty”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Special Kickacts thanks goes out to Amanda Blide for interview with Planet Booty!

Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.


Howdy. I’m Nathan Germick, co-creator of “Planet Booty” with my brother Dylan Germick. Originally we’re from Northwest Indiana but have since landed in the San Francisco Bay Area. Planet Booty started as a concept album but has since evolved into a 6-piece electrofunk ensemble.

Read more…

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Posted by Chuck Gee - March 16, 2012 at 1:11 PM

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Ten Questions with “CrossFire”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene. The following is a written interview we conducted with the artist while they were working on their next CD and Tour. First off

I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to us here today, as i know our readers have been requesting us get you in here some how some way. You folks have been described by your fans as internet

sensations in this interview we will attempt to figure out how this artist became such a great performer and what they have going forward.


1. Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

–The current members of the band all met at Monroe First UMC in Monroe, GA. It was started by Austin Dykes (guitar) and Justin Cohen (drums) who recorded a few songs together to see how it would go. After the first few songs were done, the name CrossFire was taken. Then, Dalton Young (bass), another member of the church, was discovered. He has been with the band since and has recorded on the last three demos. Our demos can be streamed and downloaded from our facebook page (

2. Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Personally, Mark Tremonti is the biggest influence on me as a guitar player. I can honestly say that I love everything that he has ever done.

3. Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

-Play what you want to play! Don’t stop practicing songs and learning new tricks. Learn every song that appeals to you.

4. Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

Not yet! Will soon.

5. On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

Not yet! Hopefully won’t soon.

6. Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

Pranking the drummer

7. What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

The local metalcore scene includes many rising bands such as Gored by A Deer and Adversity. They (as well as other band) are gaining popularity and attention quickly.

8. Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…

Dalton’s (bass) cousin is the singer for Woe, Is Me, a popular metalcore band on tour in the U.S.

9. Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

…I must say that I have never watched that show in my life.

10. # 10 is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

Check out the facebook page ( and tell us what you think!! We appreciate all the support that we have received from everyone!!

Be the first to comment - What do you think?
Posted by Chuck Gee - February 3, 2012 at 8:12 AM

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Ten Questions with “Ugly Kids Club”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

1. Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

We are an electronic rock duo from Nashville.  We formed last summer and we just finished our first ep which will be out in January.  You can find us at and  Bam.

2. Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Musically, we look up to The Police, Talking Heads, Nirvana, My Bloody Valentine, The Kills,  and Jack White.  We feel like rock and roll will and should live on despite the continuously changing and cross-pollenating landscape of musical genres.  We’re not sure exactly where we fit, but we like to think we are in the tradition of what used to be called rock and roll, but has grown into entirely new places as of 2011.  We also have a healthy amount of the punk/DIY spirit that drives us to do everything we can ourselves and make sure we like our music before anyone else does.   Many of our musical heroes were pioneers and genre-benders in this same way.

3.Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

Love music above anything else.  Learn about songwriting early and always remain a student.   It is a skill that must be honed over many years.  Don’t wait on anyone to help you.  No one will ever care as much about your art and your music as you.  This is the music ‘business’, so become a business man/woman and you will have a much better chance at survival.

4.Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

Well, we’ve only had one gig a couple weeks ago and I suppose it was our greatest :).

5.On the same token as the above question. How about a “worst gig” ever story.

Hasn’t happened yet.

6.Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps?Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

We like to laminate things. Aliegh has a pretty weird obsession with touching laminated stuff and plugging in cords. Salsa dancing. We both love space. Anything to do with that and we’re sucked in. Aliegh collects anything with owls.

7.What do you think about the present music scene or lack of in your area? Care to address that?

Nashville is a strange beast.  Musically, we are pretty diverse.  Outside of New York, I think it may be the toughest town to play a gig.  Most people here that we know have a band, or are in the music industry in some capacity.  Therefore there is a very thick air at most shows.  Even when people are ‘into it’ they will typically listen with their arms folded and only give obligatory applause.  Not to sound cynical, because I have behaved exactly like this at many shows.  Nashville can do this to you, and it is important, I believe, as a band from Nashville to play other towns as much as possible.  That said, we do have many wonderful venues such as The Exit/In and the Ryman that are second to none in this country.

8.Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…

Steve is a Grammy nominated producer and songwriter and he also is vegetarian who has dreams about flying to different planets.  Aliegh is a passionate salsa dancer. It’s kind of a big deal… She also loves her telescope and shooting guns!

9. Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

Is there any answer other than Ginger?  Now let’s see what Aliegh has to say…

Ugghh for me, Aliegh, I feel pretty weird about making out with chicks but I’d totally go for Mary Ann. Mrs. Howell is a close second. I like ’em old. More experienced.

10. # 10 is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!




Q: Without looking up it on the internet, do you know who “Rita Repulsa” and Lord Zedd” are and how do you know?

No idea. Makes me think of Rita Hayworth and the Legend of Zelda. Sounds like bad sci-fi names.Star Trek?

Q: Should singers and bands also be political too or just make music and keep their opinions to themselves and not go “Bono” on everyone?

It can be shaky ground for artists to go political, but some of the greats obviously have. (Dylan, Beatles, CSNY, The Clash) I think we appreciate when artists do choose to share their beliefs even at the potential alienation of some fans. These days, being an artist is more about finding like-minded people who love what you do, rather than attempting to gain mass appeal. If you share what you really believe, it will most likely draw some closer in, and push some away. We believe this is a good thing.

Q: At what point should someone that hasn’t made it give up on their dream and get over it or should they ever give up?

We believe this is the greatest time in history to be in a band. There is no need to have a record deal anymore just to make good recording, find fans, promote yourself, etc. The old dream used to be to conquer the world and achieve god-like status as an artists. These days artists and fans have the ability to have NO barriers between them. This is an entirely new paradigm. There is a place for everyone who feels the calling or the desire to express themselves in an artistic fashion now. It does not matter how big or small the audience is. Success is now however one defines it. If we are talking music as a full-time gig, there are not too many who can get there. But this does not mean that everyone who can’t do that isn’t worthy or capable of artistic expression. Some people ‘want’ to do music and they will mostly likely all eventually give up. Some people ‘have’ to do music. These people don’t have that option.


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Posted by Chuck Gee - December 31, 2011 at 12:00 AM

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Ten Questions with Bret Mitchem, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Bret Mitchem - Rockin' The Troops

1. Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web. My name is Bret Mitchem. I am a starving artist, musician and writer. I have no qualifications for any of these but I never let that deter me. I have been playing in bands for many, many moons. Including Ugly Babies, Space Cake, Forkskin, menSana, 2G,  Gorilla Monsoon, 138, Calling Corners, and Goldy lockS.

2. Who are your musical heroes, influences & why? As a child, KISS was pretty much my whole life. They planted the seed of wanting to be onstage and rock out for people. As a teen, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and specifically Flea inspired me to a new level bass assault. A few years later I discovered GWAR, who continually inspire me to be creative and to carve a path of originality.

3. Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid? Playing music is probably the most pure joy I have found in life. It is a complete cathartic and creative release for me. If you feel it in your soul like I do, then by all means live your dream! But making a living at this is an extremely difficult task to pull off. It takes much more than talent or good looks. It takes endless devotion, sacrifice and a whole lot of luck to be successful. But I truly believe that anyone that sets their mind to a task can and will eventually accomplish their goals.

4. Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share? Well, I have more than a few great gig stories. A few would include playing at Mesker Amphitheater, Jimi Hendrix once played on that stage. Also getting to play onstage at the Gathering of the Juggalos with Rev. Fang Gory was a great experience. But most recently I would say playing for the troops in Kandahar, Afghanistan on the 10th anniversary of 9-11 was an unbelievable experience. We caught a Taliban rocket attack midway through the show. It was during band intermission when world class comedian Andy Hendrickson was onstage performing. The warning sirens went off and the crowd of 3,000 plus all simultaneously hit the dirt. Thankfully no one was hurt and after about 45 mins of taking pics and signing autographs in the bunker with folks, we got the all clear. Someone asked me if I was scared to go back up onstage? I replied I was scared that they would not let us. Luckily they did and we did. We got back up and finished the show, even though the huge crowd had greatly diminished by then.

5. On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story. Well, everyone has had their share of “not so great” gigs I’m sure. The kind where anything that can go wrong, does. It is a horrible feeling to be up there, in the zone, only to have your gear cease working for no reason. But shit happens. You just have to know how to roll with it.  Also getting drunk before getting onstage is never a good plan, lol.

6. Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs? I love creativity! I enjoy drawing, designing, painting, printing, writing and doing just about anything that involves being creative. I am also an avid video gamer. I regularly kick ass in the name of the Horde in World Of Warcraft. And still play the occasional game of Worms.

7. What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that? I almost always reject present day popular music for no reason other than I hate having anything forced on me. But I have found that if you dig deep enough, you can find truly great music being made at any given time. Especially on the local level. Currently I find myself listening to more and more rap. I can’t get enough Tech N9ne. And as far a current band, I really like Silversun Pickups. I enjoy their albums more and more each time I listen to them.

8. Tell us something about each of your band members that we would not expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that… After a very busy year of touring, traveling and adventuring, I am currently taking a few months off to reset. So I am in between projects at the moment. However I would like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to some of my past band brothers and mention their current bands. Everyone should check these guys out: Sideshow Romance, Tenn Pound Hammer, Honey Roy, Old Union, Hen Tooth, Wedge, Gorgantherron. Also shout out to Aegaeon who are about to go on tour again. Oh and Austin Leslie, you beautiful bastard. Wherever you are…

9. Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why? Ummm, Mary Ann. She was the brunette right? Also while on the island I would await the day that the Harlem Globetrotters arrive so we can get a pickup game going. Curly rules!

10. #10 is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”! Ahhh, this question is pretty much the sole reason that I dropped my cherished veil of privacy. I wanted to bring attention to our troops that serve every day across the globe. Regardless of your opinion of the war, we need to support our brothers and sisters who spend years working and living in very difficult environments. At this time of year when familes all come together to enjoy the holidays, so many people have to spend it on the other side of the world, far away from their loved ones. I met so many awesome people on my tour overseas. And I found that a lot of them joined the service for no other than the are no other jobs available in their area. Whole squads of troops would be from the same town. And words just can’t do justice to what they go through and live with everyday. I’m not even going to mention the Poo Pond at KAF, lol. I was very happy to work with the Armed Forces Entertainment and the USO. It was truly an eye opening experience. We should all give thanks to these amazing people. And if you like like to help out in some small way, I encourage you cantact the USO. I know they have some great stuff going on right now. Like the Wishbook and the 10 Million Minutes program. Please check it out.


Bonus Questions

Without looking up it on the internet, do you know who “Rita Repulsa” and Lord Zedd” are and how do you know? I do not. Sorry.

Should singers and bands also be political too or just make music and keep  their opinions to themselves and not go “Bono” on everyone? I think it is a very fine line for artists to express their particular views on politics. On the one hand, most people listen to music for a care free release, and do not want to have someones views dumped in their laps. But on the other hand, artists and musicians are people and have just as much right as anyone else to share their opinions. I think it can be accomplished in a tasteful way. bands like System Of A Down and Rage Against The Machine have made a career of it and remain relevant to this very day. Another great band is MUSE. They have done a terrific job of not only being a top notch rock band, but have opened many minds to various topics the world over.

At what point should someone that hasn’t made it give up on their dream and get over it or should they ever give up? As I said above, If you are doing something that you truly love to do, then that is all that really matters. If you are only in it for superficial reasons: Money, girls, fame, etc… then your path will not only be difficult, but ultimately fruitless. With that said, if you have a dream, NEVER GIVE UP! Fight for it, live for it, die for it!

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Posted by Allen D. Tate - December 26, 2011 at 12:05 AM

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