Posts tagged "artist"

Be #2000 and win!!! BANG BANG Ballistic Jewelry!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Posted by Chuck Gee - October 19, 2015 at 5:51 AM

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Ace Frehley’s new album cover by Ken Kelly, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Don’t know who Ken Kelly is??? Well, You’ll definitely know the album covers he has been commissioned to do over the years… This is major news since it has hit Yahoo’s front page news too! GO ACE!





Ken-Kelly-Destroyer Love-GunManowar-Blow-Your-Speakers


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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 19, 2014 at 7:37 AM

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Tales from the “Choping Block” Deathisode 3 ” Brown Eye to the Sky”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Incredible artist by night. Locked away lonely butcher by day. He sees life from the other side of the glass. His “Tales from the Chop” are real. His outlook is slightly twisted. A part time Bouncer amongst the rows of dry goods when he is not cutting up the day’s morsels. His humor moves at the brush stroke of madness..He is for all practical purposes, a poetic Sweeney John. Hack on!


Deathisode 3.


aaedganOkay.. So, today at work it was reported that there was a bum laying half naked out by the dumpster.
Oh yeah… You know I just had to see this.
When I walked out, I saw him laying there in all his glory.
Dead asleep (drink induced) pants around his ankles, brown eye to the sky…. His pale and pasty skin shining in the sunlight.
Another bum that was on the scene said that he had been there drinking with yet another bum.
Apparently, when Van Winkle went to teepy town his drinking partner robbed him of his bottle and whatever possessions he had. (Probably a week’s worth of aluminum cans)
I didn’t have the nerve to ask why his pants were down.
Somewhere a dog barked.

Double Cola Quote of the Week.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - April 16, 2014 at 2:57 PM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , ,

Tales from the “Choping Block” Deathisode 2 Bubbles and Pee-Eye, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Incredible artist by night. Locked away lonely butcher by day. He sees life from the other side of the glass. His “Tales from the Chop” are real. His outlook is slightly twisted. A part time Bouncer amongst the rows of dry goods when he is not cutting up the day’s morsels. His humor moves at the brush stroke of madness..He is for all practical purposes, a poetic Sweeney John. Hack on!


Deathisode 2.


aaedganOkay…So, today at work a fight broke out between two female gutter rats (Let’s call them Bubbles and Pee-Eye).
Coming in on the middle of it, I could only assume that it was over who was the better Bingo player.
When I arrived on the scene, Bubbles was armed and ready to throw a can of vegetables (Creamed corn, actually) and poor Pee-Eye only with a purse that was obviously purchased from the 1970’s oversized handbag section of the local trash mart.
The manager and I stepped in between them and amidst the threats and swearing we were able to learn what happened…
The two ladies had been coming down the same aisle from opposite ends and each spotted a discarded scratch off lottery ticket.
Both claimed ownership and the fight began.
The manager took the ticket, examined it and informed them that it was not a winner.
This made no difference to the mouthy, mobile dung heaps, as they continued to go bitchcakes on each other.
The manager told them both to leave the store or he would call the police.
Bubbles screamed, “Call the Law! I’ll put them down, too!”
The manager pulled his phone and the women went silent.
He told them to go off in different directions and to exit the store.
As they were departing, Bubbles made one last statement….”Keep that bitch away from me or I’m gonna kick her in the fish bucket!”
Yep…Fish Bucket.
Double Cola Quote of the Week.

Posted by Chuck Gee - February 13, 2014 at 4:18 PM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , ,

Tales from the “Choping Block”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

bloody-knife1Incredible artist by night. Locked away lonely butcher by day. He sees life from the other side of the glass. His “Tales from the Chop” are real. His outlook is slightly twisted. A part time Bouncer amongst the rows of dry goods when he is not cutting up the day’s morsels. His humor moves at the brush stroke of madness..He is for all practical purposes, a poetic Sweeney John. Hack on!


Deathisode 1.


Okay…So, today at work this Swamp Ape (A southern term for Bigfoot) came lumbering through, complete with offspring.
The piece of trash, sporting long blonde hair that looked as if it were washed in mayonnaise, was busy on her phone and was not paying attention to Chaka.
The kid started puncturing a package of ground beef with his fingers and licking them.
This happens more often than you might think….
Neglectful, trashy inbreds letting their kids tear up everything in sight and act completely oblivious to the situation.
Well…Not on my watch.
First, I stepped in and told the kid to stop, picked up the damaged package and presented to Mrs. Yeti and explained what had happened.
She looked at me and said, “Well, I didn’t see him do it and I ain’t payin’ for it.”
I returned fire by saying, “No worries. It’s not as if we would make any money off of your welfare card, anyway.”
We continued to exchange barbs and realizing she was dealing with a higher primate went off in a huff, child following behind, mumbling some crazy moon language that I couldn’t understand.
Before making a complete exit, I was able to take a few fingers of ground beef from the damaged package and drop it inside the hood of her coat.
I was hoping that it might not be found, rot and stink up their house…
Then I realized, by the look of them, that they would never even notice. It would just blend in with the other odors of their natural habitat.
Double Cola Revenge Play of the Day.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - February 12, 2014 at 5:40 PM

Categories: General   Tags: , , ,

KickActs interviews Maurice Carmon “Mlyrics”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene. The following is a written interview we conducted with the artist while they were working on their next CD and Tour. First off

I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to us here today, as i know our readers have been requesting us get you in here some how some way. You folks have been described by your fans as internet

sensations in this interview we will attempt to figure out how this artist became such a great performer and what they have going forward.


Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web. I am a solo R&B/Soul act. Born and raised out of Washington D.C. let’s just say as a writer as well my music include stories of love to just real life situations. My music can be found at sites such as soundcloud, reverbnation, myspace, basically all the social sites as well I had an official release in Oct 2013.


Maurice Pic 3Who are your musical heroes, influences & why? Now, if I was to name everyone you guys would not have enough room to publish anyone else’s story (I am just joking). Some of my influences are Joe, Charlie Wilson, Sam Cook, and sum it up all of the real soul and R&B singers.


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid? This is no secret but for those who do not know or may not understand why their music career may be at a standstill, every artist must have or make great connections which are just a part of what it takes to make it these days. Second you need a budget because as they say you get what you pay for and I am speaking in regards to their promotion, marketing, and branding. Third have some not good music but top notch music. It has to be top notch because everyone these days is an artist and many of them are actually coming up with some good music. Last, keep the mess at home. The industry is a business.

Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share? Not really, any and every time I perform, I love it.

On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story. Not really as I stated earlier I just love to perform so there is no “worse gig”, now someone else may think it was bad, lol but I just love to perform.

Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs? No stamps collecting, or hats and unfortunately I have never been a good drawer so boob drawing is totally out (this was a funny one) but I am a writer. Writing is my love and ultimately first love. I have written all of my material as well I have written and worked with other artist from Snoop to Jon B and the ones in between were nothing short of amazing as well like Charlie Wilson, K-CI, Samantha Jade, MidWest City, Day 26 and many others.


What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that? Oh boy, you’re trying to have some people upset at me huh? Just messing, well today I believe that the music scene is a little everywhere. It’s not where it was when the real and good talent determined the scene but it’s popularity that determines it now. I mean there are some artist that lucked up and had the right financial backing and connection so they got in then on the other hand there is some of the most amazing artist out there that the majority of people have and will never hear their music.

Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…I am a solo act, but there is something that may surprise people which is I am actually a studying Jehovah’s Witness. Yes, there are others in the music industry beside George Benson and “The Symbol” Prince J

Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why? Lol, man you guys are definitely keeping me on my toes, lol uh to be honest probably none. I say none, because sometimes and in some situations it is just best to be alone and this may be the situation. Plus I do not believe in simply hooking up there is just too much out there that I do not care to experience (if you know what I mean), lol

Our last one is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”! As a real music lover, I wish and cannot wait for the days where the downloading and free streaming is over. People have to realize that this is how musicians and artist make a living. It is just unfair that labels and artist spend so much of their personal time, money, and talents and not be compensated yet people want others to support and buy their material. I also hope that these new artist wake up and understand that this is not an industry to where talent will simply be enough. And that they should not expect anyone to invest money or time into them when they are not willing to do it into themselves. I know this has nothing to do with music but people just really need to start treating each other as they want to be treated. All the bullying, robberies, killings, etc…Is just destroying us as a people. It’s sad when hear someone got snatched into a car in broad daylight in front of a bank. Last, there are a number of people in the world that can personally have enough financially that they can individually get the U.S. out of this “debt” it’s in. What this simply means is that these certain individuals have enough money that they or their great, great, great grandkids will never be able to spend in their lifetime. I just pray that maybe one day they decide to actually help oppose to given large sums of funds to companies that are “suppose” to help but never do. It’s time for that to change because they can make a difference.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - January 10, 2014 at 8:06 AM

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Ten Questions with Aaron Childree!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your music and where you can be found on the web.

photo_5My name is Aaron Childree and I’m a pop, singer/songwriter based in Atlanta, GA. My goal is to use music as a way to instill hope and inspire action. My new album is called “Above the Norm” and you can find it on iTunes or any other digital music store. You can also follow me at or on Twitter @aaronchildree.


Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Two of my biggest musical heroes are Bob Dylan and Bob Marley. They were both able to create great music and also use their songs to make a positive impact on society. Some other artists that have influenced my sound are One Republic, Coldplay, John Mayer, Jack Johnson, and Jason Mraz.


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

The advice that I would give is to take every opportunity you get and to enjoy the journey. Not only is this good career advice, but also it can be beneficial in all areas of life. The biggest pitfall that I’ve seen (and had trouble with myself) is getting so worried about success that you become creatively stifled. Create the kind of music that you love and don’t worry too much about how it is received. People will often be hesitant to accept something that is original and different but that’s not your problem. Keep making music that you love!



Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

I had the opportunity to perform for the GATE convention this past February and it was an amazing experience. The Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment (GATE) is an organization that brings together musicians, artists, writers, etc. who are all seeking to make the world better through their art. Jim Carrey and Eckhart Tolle are two of the organization’s founders. It was such an honor to be able to share the stage with so many amazing artists.


And in the same token as the above question. How about a “worst gig” ever story.

The first one that comes to mind is last year when I was scheduled to play a show on the same night as the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. I didn’t realize this scheduling conflict until it was too late to back out or reschedule, so I ended up playing a set for just a few friends and the other musicians. I’ve learned that whenever attendance is low you can make it sound more positive by saying that it was an “intimate” show. So that was a very intimate show. You live and you learn.



Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

I try my best to stay healthy so I love to jog and practice yoga. I’ve done some P90X and Insanity as well. I’m also a little bit of a nerd so I really enjoy reading and watching documentaries on NetFlix.


What do you think about the present music scene or lack of?

I think all the new technology and means of distribution that we have today make it a very exciting time to be a musician. On the other side of it all, the innovation is that it can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. I’ve been blessed with lots of amazing people in my life to help me find my way and in my opinion that is a very important thing to have. I would love to see pop music move towards a direction of more lyrical substance and I think we’re already seeing that happen. Music has a unique power to bring people together and my opinion is that we should use that power to share a message of love and hope.

Tell us something about each of you that we wouldn’t expect to hear… (Like hobbies or something like that)

When I was in 5th grade I did an Elvis impersonation for the Christmas play at my church. I had an Elvis costume and even researched the role by watching one of his movies. It went well but I just remember being extremely nervous for days.


Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls. Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

It’s a close call between Mary Ann and Ginger but I’m going to go with Mary Ann. I’m a fan of the “girl next door” look she has going on. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Gilligan’s Island though!



Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s where you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”

I’m always looking for ways to use my music as a vehicle to raise awareness for different causes and charitable organizations. The music video for my new single “Above the Norm” features four charities and I would love for everyone to check out the video as well as the organizations. You can find the video at and there are links to all the charities in the video. Thanks so much for having me!



Posted by Chuck Gee - November 14, 2013 at 8:30 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Kickacts interviews Tatiana!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene. The following is a written interview we conducted with the artist while they were working on their next CD and Tour.


First off I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to us here today, as i know our readers have been requesting us get you in here some how some way. You folks have been described by your fans as internet sensations. In this interview we will attempt to figure out how this artist became such a great performer and what they have going forward.



Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

I’m self-taught.  Multi-instrumentalist- I write/produce/mix everything myself, and write for film/game as well.  I started when I was around 13. — my “official” site — You can buy music

 Is it Tati, or Tatiana

Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

I picked up a guitar when I was 13 because of Billy Corgan.   Danny Elfman is probably a bigger influence on why I write for film;  Pee-wee’s Big Adventure was my favorite movie as a kid;  Pee-Wee was my hero.  😛  Besides those two, I’m basically a musical sponge-


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid? 

Develop a thick skin;  No matter how good (or bad) you are, not everyone will like what you do at some point, and there are those who will go out of their way to bring you down-  You will never be everyone’s cup of tea.  Work on liking yourself, and your own music, and listen to those who give you CONSTRUCTIVE criticism above all.  And, as the old adage goes, “If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.”  Start with perfecting your “sound.”


Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

Playing the Star Spangled Banner on guitar when I was 17 (I did this for a few different shows) is pretty memorable.  I can’t remember the significance, but people really seemed to dig that-


On the same token as the above question. How about a “worst gig” ever story.

“Proper preparation prevents poor performance”…. My FX processor’s battery died just before I was supposed to play the above-mentioned for a showcase opening.  *face palm* I didn’t have the adapter with me, or spare 9-volts.


Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

fHooray for boobies!  I used to draw them on walls as a kid, and at school in kindergarten (I guess I’ve always been a pervert), but nothing as of late.  I do, however, paint and I’ve been a professional actor since my teen years (Though I haven’t had paying work in awhile).  I had a painting in an art exhibit at Altered Esthetics gallery here in Minneapolis, back in August.  That was an interesting experience.


What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

Oy ve… I think there are some amazing artists out there, doing some amazing things and making their mark.  There are always unique, and wonderful things happening within the music world.  I also think that we live in an age where anyone with a computer and loop-based software can be called an “artist,” which is disconcerting, to say the least.


 Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…

I used to be a cheerleader.  Freshman year, Patrick Henry Highschool.  Nyuck-


Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell Ginger….

I consider sex with another redhead borderline incestuous;  It would be pure novelty. hahaha-


Our last one is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!




This was fun-

 Tatiana Dadovich

Please re post and share! thanks 🙂

Posted by Chuck Gee - February 1, 2013 at 8:21 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , ,

Gotta love “Rammstein”! New Video, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I always thought Till Lindemann would make a good Herman Munster. He has the right facial features. This band is bad ass!!

Ich habe immer Bis gedacht, dass Lindemann ein gut Herman Munster machen würde. Er hat die richtigen Gesichtszüge. Dieses Band ist schlechter Arsch!!


Rammstein’s facebook page


Posted by Chuck Gee - December 14, 2012 at 10:40 AM

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