Posts tagged "youtube"

Jimmy Beattie of “Season’s After” shredding!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Jimmy Beattie is the lead guitarist for the band SEASONS AFTER.

The band has several Top 40 singles in Active Rock World and they are
currently pushing a new album entitled “Calamity Scars & Memoirs”.


The latest single off the album is called “Weathered & Worn” and is
currently in the Top 50 songs at Active Rock Radio.

Here is Jimmy Beattie performing a guitar inspired track of his own called
“Without Warning”!

For the entire interview of “SEASONS AFTER”

Click HERE

Support Music! Check out the band Seasons After here:



twitter: @SeasonsAfter

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Posted by Chuck Gee - August 13, 2015 at 6:24 AM

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Madonna’s New Video. Is she too HAWT or too old? And if, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


You think she is. Why? What makes someone too old to be what they want to be or do what they want  to do? Who wrote the rule book? I am not a fan of her music but at her age (look it up at you need to know her age) She is still in shape and making noise. So hats off to her. “Techno” on Madonna!

By the way. There are a slough of celebrity guests in the video. Can you name them all with using GOOGLE?

Under the video is an interesting article from the NYTimes on growing older with Madonna. Check it out.



The video has some language in it,zero nudity but some suggested S&M other things.




Growing Older With Madonna – The New York Times 

“But the subject of her advancing years dominates seemingly every conversation about her, as she has become a crusader, willingly or not, against age discrimination. As someone who once tracked her closely, I have watched with queasy fascination her attempts to navigate the undeniable fact that she is growing older before our eyes in an era of obsessive self-documentation and rampant oversharing — one that she had a direct hand in creating.”

More interesting articles on Madonna!

Jimmy Fallon, Madonna & The Roots Sing “Holiday”

Madonna trying to stay in the news skip to :27 mark

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Posted by Chuck Gee - August 10, 2015 at 12:42 PM

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Trump said this after the Debate. Is he right or?, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

out of line? Comments welcome!


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Posted by Chuck Gee - August 7, 2015 at 8:29 AM

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New David Gilmour video here!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0



From Rolling Stone:

Watch David Gilmour’s New Animated Video for ‘Rattle That Lock’ | Rolling Stone

David Gilmour has released an ambitious animated music video for the title track to his new album, Rattle That Lock, out September 18th. It was created by Alasdair & Jock from Trunk Animation, under the creative directorship of Aubrey Powell of Hipgnosis, the design group that created iconic images for Dark Side of the Moon, Meddle, Atom Heart Mother, Obscured by Clouds, Wish You Were Here, Animals and other classic Pink Floyd records.

Read more:
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

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Posted by Chuck Gee - July 31, 2015 at 9:12 AM

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Janis Ian on Bill Cosby trying to derail her career, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Hard to believe that Fat Albert and the gang, a show I definitely enjoyed as a kid, seems to had a serial rapist in the mist :-(.

Here is Janis’s story from her Facebook page. By the way in case you didn’t know it, she is a heck of an artist. Do your home work kids….If all you listen to is EDM and corporate created junk, your missing out on the real meaning of music.

Here is her first attempt at art. A little ditty called “Society’s Child”. It came out when times where so different than today. It did what music is supposed to do. Make you think. Challenge you to change. Her story is below the video…


Janis Ian – Thank you all for the response to my “Cosby memory”….

Thank you all for the response to my “Cosby memory”. Someone pointed out that by starting it with the New York Magazine link, people sharing it would only be able to share the link, not the text. So here it is again, with a different format.
The photos are of me, at 16, on the Smothers Brothers show. They’re here so anyone sharing will be able to share the text as well. The link to the New York Magazine piece is…/2…/07/bill-cosbys-accusers-speak-out.html. And here’s my memory:

Do I have a stake in this issue? Yes. Of course. Outside of being female, outside of knowing women aren’t “heard” as loudly as men are heard, outside of firmly believing that if women were treated equally around the world, many if not all of the world’s problems would no longer exist – outside of all that… I have a personal stake.
No, I was not sexually bothered by Bill Cosby. We met because he was curious about me.
My song “Society’s Child” was climbing the charts and creating a great deal of controversy. The Smothers Brothers took a huge gamble and had me on their hit television show. I was just sixteen years old when we taped it. I’d been on the road for months, doing press and one-nighters. My chaperone/tour manager, a family friend six or seven years older than me, was doing everything in her power to make sure I was protected and getting as much rest as possible.
Remember. I was sixteen. Still in high school. Fairly naive, including about my own sexuality. For months on the road, my chaperone was the only consistent face I saw. Everyone else was a complete stranger – radio personalities, newspaper reporters, magazine photographers, audiences, promoters, disc jockeys, all strangers. So I clung to my chaperone.
We’d never been to a big-time TV taping. We had no idea we’d have to be inside from early early morning until whenever they called for me. There were only a couple of chairs for us on the set – I was pretty low on the totem pole, way lower than Jimmy Durante or Pat Paulsen or Mason Williams (all of whom were wonderful to us). And I was exhausted. I’d been having nightmares for weeks, the result of the controversy surrounding “Society’s Child” and the death threats I was receiving daily. I needed to sleep. So I fell asleep in my chaperone’s lap. She was earth motherly, I was scared. It was good to rest.
We taped the show. I had a ball. (You can see it on Youtube, in fact. That’s me, looking scared, in the green dress. My friend Buffy from East Orange, where I’d started high school, made it for me. I treasured it.) Then we went back to New York, and I went back to school.
A while later, my manager called me into her office. “What happened at the Smothers Brothers show?!” I had no idea what she was talking about, and said so. “Well, no one else on TV is willing to have you on. Not out there, anyway.” Why? I wondered. And was told that Cosby, seeing me asleep in the chaperone’s lap, had made it his business to “warn” other shows that I wasn’t “suitable family entertainment”, was probably a lesbian, and shouldn’t be on television.
Again, a reminder. I was 16. I’d never slept with a man, I’d never slept with a woman. Hell, I barely been kissed, and that in the middle of the summer camp sports area, next to the ping pong table.
Banned from TV. Unbelievable. Bless Johnny Carson and his producer Freddy de Cordova, one of the nicest men I’ve ever worked with, because they didn’t listen. Or maybe they didn’t give a damn. I don’t know. I do know that they broke the barrier Cosby tried to create.
There’s a lot to bother a sensible person about this. The years these women were ignored. The years they were derided. That the story finally really “broke” because a male comedian named Hannibal Buress kept bringing it up, kept calling Cosby a “rapist”. Not because woman after woman after woman went to the police, to the press, to anyone who’d listen, with horribly similar stories.
Let me be snarky for a moment. Interesting that there are so few women of color in the New York Magazine photo. Interesting that the ones in the photo all appear to be light-skinned. Perhaps darker skinned women have not come forward yet? Perhaps they’re among the other 12 women who’ve accused him but aren’t pictured?
Or perhaps not. I have to wonder if this rapist has some issues with his own race.
Continuing the snarkiness, I find it horrifying that his wife is still insisting it was all consensual. That she sounds more upset by “the invasion of privacy” than the rapes.
People seem to be confused because she continues to stand by him. I have just two words for that – money, honey. According to the press, she’s his manager, and has been for years. And his “business manager”, eg the person who handles the money. So if there were pay-offs, she saw the checks. She is complicit.
If it was consensual, why pay anyone to be silent?
If it was consensual, why are there so many women who do not want money, who do not need fame, who are by turns ashamed, violated, exposed, vulnerable, and still continue to speak out?
Cosby was right in one thing. I am gay. Or bi, if you prefer, since I dearly loved the two men I lived with over the years. My tilt is toward women, though, and he was right about that.
But what an odd thing, that a black man who slept with so very many white women chose to take my possible lesbianism away from our one meeting, rather than the message I tried to get across with “Society’s Child.” How pathetic. How truly, truly pathetic.

Janis Ian's photo.
Janis Ian's photo.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - July 30, 2015 at 6:30 AM

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“The Darkness” just keep on delivering the goods!!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Beside Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters, who else is there that oozes rock and roll? “The Darkness” that’s who! Justin and the guys keep delivering the goods! And if you are a member of their fan club and order something, you may get an extra gift in your rock package just because the guys are just that freakin’ cool! They also reply to their fans on Facebook! Check out their latest video below where the guys channel Freddie Mercury, Sweet, Slade, Bowie and dare I say Rod the Bod Stewart! ROCK ON!

For more on “The Darkness!
After releasing an audio YouTube video of “Open Fire”. The Darkness has just released the official video to the song! Check it out. You really can’t go wrong with Justin and the gang!

More on the Darkness!

Is the Darkness the answer to Queen?? <HERE>

The Barbarian video! <HERE>



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Posted by Chuck Gee - July 28, 2015 at 8:10 AM

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Tony Housh of “Seasons After” interview!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and were you can be found online.

Hi. My name is Tony Housh and I am the vocalist for the band Seasons After. You can find us at

Seasons After


Who are your musical heroes and influences? Why?

11011744_1588908841382770_3601045952916660123_nI have a few heroes. One of them would be Corey Taylor. I have followed Corey since the first time that I had heard Slipknot. I was blown away at the the way this crazy dude in a mask could scream. I use to listen to Slipknot and think how is it humanly possible for a person to make that kind of brutality happen with their voice. I would study it trying to find his tricks. I would even seek out live performances in order to hear his true voice without all the production. He was just killer to me, but where he became one of my musical heroes was when I heard “Bother” on the radio by Stone Sour. Once I heard that dude sing I was completely floored. He became one of my heroes! Another one of my heroes that actually popped up on my radar around the same time was Chris Volz of Flaw. Volz was the dude that made me realize I could sing and scream and make it badass! I spent a lot of time listening to his choruses. I just loved how big they could get and the intensity that would follow in the throw downs. I actually modeled a lot of my music that I wrote at that time very specific to a Volz type style. So you can imagine how exciting it was for me 14 years later to find myself touring with Flaw. Another reason Volz is one of my heroes is because he’s actually a cool dude. Its always nice to put someone on a pedestal and leave them there for all the right reasons.


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in the music business?

If I had any advice to give to anyone getting started in the music business it would be this. Don’t limit yourself to just one thing. Learn more than just your instrument. Learn the production side of things early. In the future you can save yourself thousands in production costs. Not to mention that you can make a living while your not out on the road while tracking for other acts. Learn the business. Its a tricky business and you need to be prepared for that. The more you educate yourself on the inner workings the better the chance you may not get screwed! And never give up. If you truly are a hardcore put your nose to the pavement musician then you will see your share of ups and downs. Be prepared to fail. Its going to happen. The important thing is to know from the beginning is that you are dedicated and this is what you do. Never quit. No matter the obstacle and there are many.


What piece of advice did you ignore that you wish you hadn’t?

Stop making that face or its gonna stay that way.


Do you have a greatest gig story or worst gig horror story you’d like to share?

Sure. I would say the most humiliating gig that I ever played was my very first. I was 17 years old and I had been searching for my first band to attempt to sing for. I grew up in a small town in Texas. Population around 3500 or so. So you can imagine that there weren’t to many rock bands around. In fact there was only one that I was aware of. So one day these band dudes come into Dairy Queen where I worked. As soon as I realized it was the band guys I quickly removed my apron so that I could personally deliver their food to them once I had prepared their burgers. So I gave them my number. Well they called me like one week later and suddenly needed a singer. Not only did they need a singer but they needed me ready in a week! A week! One week to learn 4 hours of cover tunes. Well I was so enthusiastic and excited they had called that I decided that I had better take the gig. I may not get another chance! So one week later I went and played my very first gig at place called Bostocks in Stephenville Tx. It was a nightmare. I was reading lyrics off of sheets. I was a mess! I had no idea how to even be a frontman much less sing songs that I didn’t completely know. At one point the bass player actually apologized and explained that I was new. We didn’t even finish the night. They fired us in mid set and made us load out right there in front of everyone. It was  humiliating as hell. But I didn’t lose my spirit. It actually made me very anal about live performances and it made me a much more serious musician. My band was fired by the club my very first time singing for a rock band and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of peckers or boobs? Make sock puppets? Sit in the dark and eat Cheetos?

I really don’t have any hobbys. I guess that makes me weird in some peoples eyes, but why do I need a hobby when I already live a dream? Hobbies are an escape to something you enjoy from your everyday life. Right? Right! Well I love what I do. It involves loud stuff, bright lights, computers, creativity, travel, people, and just a ton of fun in general. No escape needed or desired…yet.

What do you think about the current music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

Well I will say that I miss the days of when rock ruled the world! When rockstars had jets with their names on them and it was totally cool to trash a hotel room. That all seems to be gone with the exception of the few exceptions. It seems that pop hip hop and country have ran off with it all these days. Ive heard people say that rock/metal just kind of lost its thing with the masses but to be honest I think the masses got lost in the world of overproduced pop stars rap stars and drug store cowboys. Not that I dislike these genres but Its a shame that more people won’t go out to a rock show that comes into town for 10 bucks, but they will on the other hand fork out the big bucks for Taylor Swift (nothing against Swift). Its like people enjoy feeding the corporate bs machine (i.e. large record companies). So yes. Its a shame that we have allowed money to dictate art and what art is made readily available. Hopefully people will come to realize that there are some really great rock bands out there that are dying to entertain them. And maybe, just maybe they’ll start choosing to hit up a rock show on the weekend and skip out on the $200.00 Saturday night kum ba yah brainwashing session at the local civic center. Lets get them horns up and support those bands that you enjoy so much. They need you!

Do you think reality shows like American Idol, X factor and The Voice have helped or hurt the music industry as a whole?

I personally am not a fan of these types of shows. Just another example of the pumping of corporate crap out onto the masses. I agree there are some very talented people on these shows and thats not what this is about. This is more about this whole instant gratification everyone is a star type culture. What about the people out there on the road traveling all over the country trying to get some recognition. The ones who have honed their skills night after night after night. The ones who truly appreciate the sale of an album or the fact that you ask them to sign something. These are the warriors! These are the people who have taken the real risk! Not someone who sings in the shower in the comfort of their home and takes a week of vacation to go and try out for the voice in hopes of instant stardom. There’s no stripes earned in that. I guess Im just old school. I like to earn what I have and I respect people who aren’t looking for the easiest and safest way to attain their goals. Sometimes you just gotta go for it rather than waiting for the easy or safer route. I just don’t feel like these shows reflect that type of mentality, but hey thats just me.

What is your opinion of unauthorized music downloads?

Well it does suck for sure. Its the equivalent of me walking into Wal Mart and just taking whatever I want. For some reason its okay to steal a song though. I’m Not sure why. I guess its because you can’t actually hold it and you can steal it in the safety and the confines of your home. Its insulting actually to spend time writing a song, recording a song, and not to mention the amount of money spent (yes it does cost money). We pay for advertising to put it out just so that it can be stolen. Its the equivalent of having a contractor come to your home and paint the entire inside of your house. He has bought supplies i.e. paint and brushes and probably has an employee or two. All of whom he must pay in order to complete the service. The contractor finishes up and goes for payment and kaboom! “Sorry your not getting paid.” says the homeowner and he sends the painter on his way without payment of services. Now Im willing to bet that painter would flip out. He has to pay his guys, he has to cover the material expenses and who knows what else. The problem is that the paint is already on the wall and theres no going back. He just lost his ass. Do musicians not render a service? Do musicians not create a product? Of course they do and thats why its stealing.

Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear.

Well…Jimmy can sing verbatim most pop songs that I roll my eyes at. Dawson is a big fan of Aquariums and fish sticks. Tim plays his drums naked while looking at pictures from National Geographic and Kyle has a thing for eating turkey sandwiches in the dark while scratching lotto tickets.

Hypothetical situation. You’re on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the survivors… Which one and why?

Thats easy. Mary Ann because she’s Mary Ann and someone needs to make something happen before the professor makes a move.

Do you know what a vinyl album is and have your ever purchased one? If so, what was it?

Yes. Michael Jackson Thriller

You’re marooned on an island with Justin Bieber. Do you choke him out the first night in his sleep or what?

Nope. I’ll keep him around. I’m going to need some help getting things set up for myself on the island. That means a lot of work and manual labor. Thats what I’ll have Bieber taking care of. Once he has my hut built and all of the food situation handled I”ll probably just eat him for Thanksgiving or something.

What is your opinion of Miley Cyrus?

I really have no thoughts on Miley because to be honest I just don’t care. I wouldn’t even know who she is if she hadn’t been force fed to us all.

Which would you rather hear in concert? Lip synching or real vocals?

Real vocals Check out Seasons After Vid▶ SEASONS AFTER – “LIGHTS OUT”

Who, or what, is the next big thing?

To be honest I don’t pay to much attention to THE NEXT BIG THING type stuff. I’m to busy trying to keep my little thing a float.


One artist you can’t get enough of and can’t live without is…

Phil Collins


Confession time. Share a secret about yourself.

I pick my nose at the bottom and top of every hour.


Favorite movie of all time and why.

Spaceballs. I love Mel Brooks. His Humor is so raw and stupid. I love it.


Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

My shout out for this go round could be anything I guess, but today I would like to think about a subject that is near and dear to my heart. This is something that has been eating on me for quite some time. You guessed it… Subway changed their ranch and it’s just not the same! Why in the world would subway change something that is so incredibly important out for this new generic flavored ranch they have decided to switch too. I taste more like mayo than  ranch! Come on Subway. I just don’t understand. I hope that Jared reads this and takes it into consideration. That is all.


Posted by Chuck Gee - July 17, 2015 at 5:56 AM

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Stryper “Yahweh” (Official Audio), pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Check out Stryper’s new single “Yahweh”. It’s over 6 minutes long and has the “Soldiers Under Command” feel to it! I just wish this album, like most metal albums these days should be mixed in analog not digital. Yes, I know digital is quicker but analog is a lot warmer and more suited for metal/rock. Not sure the drums are real either but not hating on the song. Stryper consistently puts out great stuff over and over. That’s a win in my book! Thoughts?


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Posted by Chuck Gee - July 9, 2015 at 7:16 AM

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Loverboy’s “Working for the Weekend” rewrite???, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Mike Reno of Loverboy is apologizing for some of  the words he wrote in one of top anthem songs of the 80’s. Check out the video below! My question is, but why???

Here’s the scoop! CLICK


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Posted by Chuck Gee - July 8, 2015 at 12:38 PM

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Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler’s first Country Music video!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

KickActs is trying hard not to follow the trend to post every “awful” news story that falls on the ground like today’s story about the Subway guy. But if you are interested in that crap, it’s >here<. 🙁

tumblr_inline_nqx74sjBdA1r1sixa_500If you are looking for something cool and exciting. Check out Steven Tyler’s new country music video below! This guy can pull off the new country sound far better than Bret Michaels of Poison. >Here<is Bret’s attempt at country with the video of “Girls on Bars”.

My wife and I recently saw “Aerosmith” in Concert along with “Living Colour”. Both bands put on a great show! Steven and the boys in the band still got it. I would put them and their catalog up against any new band today.

Steven has the voice for a bohemian country music sound and it sounds great and the video is awesome!

Here is my review of the Aerosmith concert! >HERE<

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Posted by Chuck Gee - July 7, 2015 at 8:29 AM

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