Posts tagged "New York City"

KickActs interviews Carrie Lane!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and were you can be found online.


10486114_885371284823455_2454522163130425484_nWhat people don’t know about me is that I am a complete goofball. I have been getting messages from people I haven’t seen in years saying how impressed they are by all the things they see me doing and it makes me smile. Not just because they see that all of my hard work is paying off, but because they don’t know that behind the scenes I am still a total weirdo.


You can find me at


Who are your musical heroes and influences? Why?


My musical heroes are The Beatles. They are a group that is always timeless in my mind and that is hard for me to find in artists. I love all types and genres of music, but there are very few songs or groups that I can listen to no matter where I am, what I’m doing, or what I’m feeling. I can always listen to The Beatles and I can always find something to relate to in their music.


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in the music business?


Anyone who starts out in the music business needs to be passionate because there is no doubt that it is going to get hard and the business is going to test how badly they want it, repeatedly and consistently. You need that drive and that will to stay strong when everything is not going as planned. You need to be hardworking and patient. If you do this and don’t try to cut corners, your time will come.


What piece of advice did you ignore that you wish you hadn’t?


My issue is that I take in all the advice that people give me. My mind is like a sponge and I soak in every bit of information people give me. So my issue is not ignoring advice that people give me, rather listening to people that I shouldn’t be!


Do you have a greatest gig story or worst gig horror story you’d like to share?


Once, there was someone who opened for me who was dressed in a full skeleton suit and played the same song over and over for his entire set. I don’t know if that is my greatest gig story or my worst gig horror story… you choose.


Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of peckers or boobs?  Make sock puppets? Sit in the dark and eat Cheetos?


Wow! Okay that question definitely made me blush. Oddly enough I like to color. Is that okay? I’m like a little kid when it comes to hobbies. I like to just sit with a coloring book and crayons. I find it very soothing whenever I’m stressed. Judge me.

Carrie Lane Album art

What do you think about the current music scene or lack of? Care to address that?


I think there has never been a greater time for music in my opinion. Although, people can still argue that only a specific type of music is on the radio… there are so many types of sub genres that are emerging that never could have come about years ago. The possibilities more music are multiplying and artists should be taking advantage of all of the opportunities out there.


Do you think reality shows like American Idol, X Factor and The Voice have helped or hurt the music industry as a whole?


I think that they are a unique part of the music industry that has never been able to really thrive in previous generations. I think with the way technology has evolved, shows like this are inevitable. They are interactive and make America believe that they are in control of picking the next big artist. However, little do they know these people are being hand picked to fit specific demographics that television networks are trying to promote.


What is your opinion of unauthorized music downloads?


What is anyone’s opinion of this? Don’t do it. Buy music, support artists. Period.


Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear.


Aha! Yes, I get some revenge on my boys. Well let’s see I have three members of my band Dan Traglia, Dan Rufolo, and Vin Landolfi. Dan Traglia is my drummer and he’s the band leader, what you wouldn’t know about him is that every time he sits down for a meal he eats for a small village. Seriously, the guy eats his body weight in food every time he sits down it’s the most un-human thing I’ve ever seen. Dan Rufolo plays piano and is good at everything… I’m not even joking, he’s good at everything… it’s insane. That’s why I have to pick on him a bit because it’s just not fair. I decided that because there are two Dan’s in my band that I would call him Buttercup. So that it what he is called. And Vin most people think is the quiet one, but once you get to know him he’s hysterical. Sometimes (most of the time) he and Dan Traglia talk to each other in this weird other voice, it’s like their own language… it’s very strange. Bottom line, they’re all amazing and I love them because they’re super talented guys and insanely talented musicians, what more could I ask for?


Hypothetical situation. You’re on Gilligan’s Island and you get to hook up with only one of the survivors… Which one and why?


Ok… you are seriously dating yourself with this question! I am too young to have ever seen Gilligan’s Island! Although, I do know one character and that’s Ginger so I pick her because she’s hot.


Do you know what a vinyl album is and have your ever purchased one? If so, what was it?


Yes I know what a vinyl is! I have never purchased one. However, when my grandfather passed away he left me with his collection of vinyl records because he knew how much I love music. I still have all of them to this day.


You’re marooned on an island with Justin Bieber. Do you choke him out the first night in his sleep or what?


What’s with you and islands? I am not a violent person, nor a hater. I don’t think I would be anything but nice to the Beebz. He’s only human too…


What is your opinion of Miley Cyrus?


I think Miley Cyrus is an absolute genius. People can sit here and criticize her and scoff at everything she’s doing, but everything about what she is doing is calculated for success. As we’re sitting here judging, Miley is laughing all the way to the bank.


Which would you rather hear in concert?  Lip-synching or real vocals?


It depends on the type of concert. If you are going to hear some acoustic music or some rock and roll you want a live performance. If you want a large production with dancing and all that jazz, you’re going to lose quality of the voice. Sometimes backing vocals enhance the performance and that does not mean that the artist can’t sings, it means that is their choice to make that specific performance the best they can. Everyone uses backing tracks at one point or another; it is not something to be ashamed or criticized.


Who, or what, is the next big thing?


Me… Duh. Next Question!


Confession time. Share a secret about yourself.


One time I wrote #nofilter and I totally used a filter…


One artist you can’t get enough of and can’t live without is… Why?


I think this goes back to The Beatles man, can’t live without them.



Favorite movie of all time and why?


My favorite movie of all time is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. It is a classic and I laugh just as hard every time I see it, there are not very many things in life that can manage to hold that timeless charm.


Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s where you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!


I just want to take my “Shout it Out Loud” time to encourage everyone to Pay it Forward. I think this movement is incredibly important. It does not have to be through money necessarily, just through the goodness of our hearts. If we continue to help others and breed positivity around us, positive things will come to us as well. That’s just the way of the universe. I am a strong person. And the best way to utilize your strength is to lift people up, not to put them down.



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Posted by Chuck Gee - June 27, 2014 at 12:00 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

KickActs interviews “Young Lye”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

YOUNG LYE PHOTO SHOOT BY RONNIE WRIGHT 187Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and were you can be found online.
My name is Jimmell Clarke i am a Hip-Hop artist and i go by the artist
name Young Lye  i am 18 years old, i was born and raised in the South Bronx
New York City right where rap / Hip-Hop started from. I started rapping
when i was 3 years old, i been in the business of music for 13 years now.
You can fine me online at,,,, and
Who are your musical heroes and influences? Why?
My musical influences are Biggie Smalls, 2Pac, Jay z, P Diddy because
they have such an impact on the Hip Hop industry.
Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in the music business?
My advice is always follow your dreams, its not an easy road to travel,
but if you work very hard at your craft you will make it in this business
of music.
What piece of advice did you ignore that you wish you hadn’t?
My bro and r&b hit singer Pleasure P once told me I should always get my music mixed and mastered before I let any one listen to it. I would have
saved a lot of time and money if I had made 1 great song got it mixed well
and mastered, than to make 10 songs and none is radio playable.
Do you have a greatest gig story or worst gig horror story you would like to
The first time I performed a the Famous Apollo Theater in Harlem N.Y.C.
when I was 9 years old, as I was entering the stage the host told me to rub
my hands on the log on the stage before i performed, as I touched the log a
strange good feelings over whelmed my whole body and from that day, I just
love being on stage performing.
Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps?
Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of peckers or
boobs?  Make sock puppets? Sit in the dark and eat Cheetos?
I like playing football, basketball, and video games a lot.

What do you think about the current music scene or lack of? Care to address
I really thinks music forever lives, and it changes with time like every
thing else you just have to adjust to it.

Do you think reality shows like American Idol, X factor and The Voice have
helped or hurt the music industry as a whole?
I think those reality shows helps a lot of great artist to get
recognition that other wise wouldn’t get what they deserved.

What is your opinion of unauthorized music downloads?
It as its good and it as its bad, its good for new up-coming artist that
don’t have a strong fan base as yet, because it makes their music gets
heard that other wise wouldn’t get heard. But its bad for established
artist that already have a strong fan base, because these artists lose
money when people download their tracks for free.

Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect
to hear.
Well when I was 4 months in my mom belly, my dad got rod and shot and
now he as to be living with the help of a wheel chair, and from I was small
I love to push him around and he would let me ride on it in his lap it was

Hypothetical situation. You’re on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up
with only one of the survivors’ Which one and why?
11)I would like to hook up with ginger she was always the sexy looking one.

Do you know what a vinyl album is and have your ever purchased one? If so,
what was it?
Yes i do know them, I went with my mom to buy a vinyl album before it
was a Thriller album by Michael Jackson.

You’re marooned on an island with Justin Bieber. Do you choke him out the
first night in his sleep or what?
I would work with him to try to survive.

What is your opinion of Miley Cyrus?
She’s very cool, I like her image.

Which would you rather hear in concert?  Lip synching or real vocals?_ YOUNG LYE PHOTO SHOOT BY RONNIE WRIGHT 108
I would rather hear real vocal, Slick Rick once told my dad that on Soul
Train they use to lip-synching, i bet y’all reader didn’t know that.

Who, or what, is the next big thing?
I know I am the next big thing in the entertainment business, humbly

One artist you can’t get enough of and can’t live without is?
Rihanna and Beyonce’.

Confession time. Share a secret about yourself.
I smoke loud at times.

Favorite movie of all time and why.
Its got to be ”Set It Off” for me.

Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. Its were you get to talk
about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!
I think music is the healing of the nations, and i want to thank God for
giving me some of His Great talent.

ps. Thanks very much for having me.

Young Lye ”JordaN” # 1 !

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 16, 2014 at 7:34 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Kickacts interviews Axel Jordan!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene.

 Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and where you can be found at on the web.


AxelJordan pictureHello Kick Acts!  My name is AxelJordan.  Musician born, raised and currently living in NYC … Land of Creativity!  You can find me online via my website,  My website is a directional page so be sure to take a look at my social media icons; Facebook, instagram, youtube etc. 


Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?


Growing up in Brooklyn NY, I would say the music mostly heard around me was Hip Hop & R&B.  I can definitely say that not only influenced my music but also my outlook on life in music.   There’s a certain amount of honesty in Hip Hip and R&B.  You say what you’re feeling.  Whether it’s love or pain or anger, the music translates those emotions.  I have a lot of respect for that and the artist who do it well.  Mix that with Pop culture and you have AxelJordan!


 Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?


My best advice to give is the advice I still currently live by …  Continue doing what you’re doing.  Not everyone is going to understand it.  Not everyone is going to respect it.  And you might feel alone a lot of the time.  But in that silence and solitude, you begin to really find yourself; you begin to understand your creativity and the role it plays in the world.  So keep going  and keep striving.


 Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?


Man I have a bunch of pretty awesome stories. HA!  For a while, I would bring my guitar to pretty much every underground spot in NYC to play my music.  Didn’t matter the venue, crowd .. as long as it had a mic and a stool.  I’m talking, I went to Hip Hop music venues, Soul & Gospel venues, Rock & Roll bars.  I knew I didn’t really fit in and was often asked if I was sure I knew where I was.  But I’d stay and wait for my name to be called.   When it was I’d grab my guitar and head to the mic to sing.  Sometimes you could hear the confusion in the crowd.  Sometimes you could hear the annoyance from the crowd.  But I wanted to sing and I wanted them to hear it.  So I’d sing  it would never take long before they gave in and started to enjoy it.  I was living out my passion and creativity and for the most part other creative minds understand that and can find the joy in it.  


 On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.


Nah, I don’t have “worst gig” stories.  I mean of course, it’s a gig presentation of creativity and it doesn’t always come out the way you’d like but it’s all just to get better from.  So no worst gig stories for me.


Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?


Creatively speaking, once you open up the doors of your creativity, it all comes pouring out.  So I spend most of time learning about that.  I make clothes, I paint. I dance.  I do love to learn so I’m always open to new knowledge.  And I love to have fun too.  I like bowling and watching comedy.  Anything funny has my immediate attention.


What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?


I don’t get to caught up in those arguments.  The music is the music.

  It’s hard enough for musicians and artist alivento truly express themselves and get noted for it.  Why spend time trying to break that down because it might not be something we personally understand?  Instead, I choose to appreciate the music and even the commentators.  The judgements are equally as important as the praise.  If understood and appreciated, they both lead you in path with the best you.  


Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?  


Why choose just one???  What about all three???  Mary Ann is a cutie though … something about those pigtails …


Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!


This past month I got the chance to release my first music video for my debut single “Release You”.  Working on, shooting and releasing the video was such a great step for me in my career thus far.  I’ve been singing and working on music since I was a kid and to see my music & my vision come to life in that video was really pretty awesome.  I am truly blessed and grateful for that.  If you haven’t done so, check it out on my website,

Looking forward to making more and the release of my album in the Spring 2014.


Till then,

Keep Loving & Keep Shining!


Be the first to comment - What do you think?
Posted by Chuck Gee - March 28, 2014 at 8:18 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Ten questions with “Dynasty Electric”!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and where you can be found at on the web.

DE main photoJenny: Hello everyone J I love life- music, art, nature, beautiful people. Seth & I run an artist friendly community-centric label called NewSonic. I sing and play theremin in our band Dynasty Electric.

Seth: We’re an electronic duo from New York City.  Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, iTunes and SoundCloud.

  Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Seth: The Beatles have been a major influence on both of us, both musically and spiritually. When we first started the project we were listening to artists like Bjork, Gang of Four, Radiohead, Talking Heads, and Gorillaz.

Jenny: I’ve always been so inspired by Bjork. She is a pure channel for cosmic creativity- always ahead of the curve and always genuine.

  Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

Jenny: Believe in yourself. Develop your own unique gifts. Don’t compare yourself to others.

Seth: First of all, do it for the love. Secondly, don’t give up.  Quitting won’t get you anywhere, just stick to it if you want to succeed.

  Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

Jenny: Opening up for Girltalk at Summerfest, Milwaukee was an incredible experience. The energy was electrifying.

Seth: Recently we were performing at the Zeiterion Theater in New Bedford, Massachusetts at the Connecting For Change Conference. The crowd rushed on to the stage and started dancing like crazy during our set. I think we had about 50 people up on the stage, it was wild!

 Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

Jenny: I love photography and creating visual projections. I’ve also recently become a video editor. I’m thrilled about how “Supersonic” came out.

Seth: We practice yoga and mantra meditation. We have a growing collection of Tibetan singing bowls.

DE art

What do you think about the present music scene or lack of?

Seth: We have been focused on building our own label and musical community in New York City called NewSonic. We believe it’s important for musicians to come together and to expand opportunities rather than competing against each other for scarce resources.

   Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… (Like their hobbies or something like that)

Jenny: I crochet hats and magic capes.

Seth: I love creative cooking. I want to start my own vegetarian restaurant chain.

Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls. Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

Jenny: Ginger- Love the red hair and the leopard prints.desexyn

Our last question is called  Shout It Out Loud. It’s where you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”

Our new album “Euphoria” is out now. It was crowd-funded and co-produced with producers from the UK, France, Italy, Jamaica, Canada, India, Japan, and NYC. Check out the video for the new lead single “Supersonic”


Thank you!


Posted by Chuck Gee - December 27, 2013 at 12:00 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,