Archive for May, 2009

Ten Questions with Ed Young of Factory Damage, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

1. Welcome to Kick Acts, Ed. Tell us a little about yourself.

First off, I would like to say thanks to Kick Acts for the time and consideration. It’s greatly appreciated! I’m a Metal head who loves collecting Old School Metal records (vinyl) and I love creating original music. I’m married to my wonderful wife Cathi, and have 2 great kids that I know of… (LOL) and have great friends and a great life! Wouldn’t change a thing.

2. You’re currently slinging the guitar in a band called Factory Damage. Tell us who’s in the band, how we can find you online and any upcoming shows where we can come see you.

Factory DamageChris Hedges – Lead Vox
Ed Young – Guitar
Scott Doughty – Drums
Val Batts – Bass

Our main websites are: and We have a House Party coming up 5/29, other than that, we’re working on new material and getting our newest member of the family, Val, up to speed on all the tunes we have. Keep checking back on the above mentioned websites for future gigs.

3. You guys are an original metal band. Do you throw in cover tunes like the other local bar bands? What sets you apart from other metal bands?

We have some covers that we do. We’re actually in the process of putting a few more covers into our set, along with new original material. A Bar Band, we’re not. We play just about anything from Festivals to Bars and everything in between. We don’t give into current trends and nowadays it seems like there’s only Death/Black Metal bands out on the scene. While we do play fast, its not all about palm mutes for us, its about great hooks, a great chorus, and killer riffs. Some of our tunes are suited for radio and some aren’t. We’re on the fence. We can play with the Heavier bands and we can play with the lighter side of Metal/Rock bands. It’s tough to slot us in any specific Metal category. We’re just really diverse and that’s what sets us apart from the others.

4. How long have you been a musician? Tell us about some of your experiences.

Ed YoungWell, I’ve been playing Guitar for 20 years off and on. I would say seriously playing for about 15 years. The first 5 years, I was on and off the wagon. The coolest experience I’ve had thus far would have to be sharing the stage with Kerry King of Slayer. He was down in O’boro a few years back doing a clinic. I got up on stage with Kerry and played “Black Magic” and played it right on the money. Kerry toasted me and the whole bar was chanting “ED! ED! ED!”. That’s one experience I’ll never forget!!

5. Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share? Worst gig?

The first time we played the BBQ-Fest here in town sticks out to me. We started the set with very few people in the crowd, but by the time we hit the 4th song on the set, there were a SEA of people. Mosh pits everywhere! A kid got his tooth knocked out! We were playing Megadeth’s “Peace Sells” and a kid fell off the stage, knocked himself unconscious, blood went everywhere, and the Owensboro Police Department came in and shut us down. Very exciting! Don’t get me wrong, we don’t want anybody to get hurt, but looking back, it was a killer show for us! That kid ended up being OK, so all is well. Worst gig…the very next week after our killer show @ the BBQ-Fest, we played a bar with no one in it but bands. We’d get done playing a song, and all you could hear were crickets and the occasional other band members clapping. It was terrible and typical. One week your a Metal God, the next, you might as well not have gone @ all! But that’s band life. You got to take the good with the bad.

6. What can you tell us about the most entertaining gig you ever played?

We played a show here @ Frankie’s sports bar with Left with Scars and the Midnight Biker Chicks. Frankie’s was sold out! 400 plus easy. It was so busy, they were turning people away @ the door, cops were directing traffic out in front of the bar, and by the end of the night, Frankie’s had sold completely out of Alcohol! It was AWESOME!

7. Tell the readers about hobbies other than music.

Love watching college basketball and college football when I get the chance and hanging out with my family.

8. Who are your musical heroes and influences? Why?

Tough question. I would have to say Dave Mustaine from Megadeth would be the biggest influence/hero for me. He has a very unique style of playing and isn’t a conventional player. Dave is a smug one, but he’s usually right on the money. I love the way he tells it like it is, and if you don’t like it, tough SH*t! I also dig a lot of Hendrix stuff! The man could play. Enough said!

9. Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Anything they should avoid?

Factory Damage LogoIf you’re just starting out, learn to play by ear. Its your best bet and YOU can develop your OWN style of playing, opposed to starting out reading music and learning scales. This way you create your own rhythm personality, instead of doing it the “Corporate” way. Learn scales after you’ve been playing by ear for a while. That way you don’t sound straight out of the Musicians Institute. Be yourself. Be original, and don’t follow the Pied Piper!

10. # 10 is called “Shout It Loud.” It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead Ed and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!”

I’d like to give a SHOUT OUT to all of our Men and Women in the U.S. Military! They do an AWESOME job protecting our great country! My brother is in the Air Force and is heading to Iraq this summer. I pray for his and everyone’s safe return home. I salute them all!

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Posted by Allen D. Tate - May 29, 2009 at 8:09 AM

Categories: Ten Questions   Tags:

Gradual to Drastic, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Hey everybody how’s it going? Writing articles seems to be one of the latest things that gets peoples attention, so hopefully this article will be no different. Have you ever noticed that most things in life change gradually? As we grow older we began to gradually change in our appearance, in our intelligence, and actually just about all aspects of our lives. Most of the time we don’t regconize even the slightest changes because of the slow process. Come on guys, our hair ain’t what it used to be. Come on ladies, there are changes that you can notice as well. Have you noticed if you run across an old friend, and some times you have trouble remembering them because of the drastic change in their appearance, but to them, that was a gradual change. I know that throughout my life I have noticed gradual changes that looking back it has become a dramatic change. For instance I (like many others) have put on some weight, it was a gradual thing that ended up with drastic weight gain. Another thing that I have noticed is that when a gradual change becomes a drastic change, and it is around for a while it becomes the norm and the change becomes accepted no matter how drastic it is. I have noticed this in my walk with Christ, there has been a gradual change in my beliefs, actions and other aspects of my spiritual walk. The gradual change has become drastic change that has become the norm for me, it has also become accepted by me and others. The change I am referring to is for the worse not for the better. The change has been causing problems for me in my Spiritual walk. I’m sure if we all look back in our walk with Christ there has been changes that we have allowed to take place that is not right. This article is not about condemning anyone, it is about the truth.The truth is, is that when you are a child of God there should be some changes, some gradual and some drastic. But all change should be for the better. Are you going to be perfect, no, but you should strive for perfection. We as children of God should lead by example ( good examples that is ) and set a path that others should want to follow. Accepting people for who they are is the truth, not telling them the truth is wrong. We as Christians, Spiritual leaders, Pastors, Youth Pastors, etc. are held up to an accountability. That accountibility is Biblical, and it is serious business. We as Christians must live a life pleasing to God, not man. If we are trying to please man we are fools. Let us step up, drastically change for the better and do what God wants us to do. Until next time, God bless, Deacon

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 29, 2009 at 7:56 AM

Categories: Politics & Religion   Tags:

Tony Cabral from Mass Histeria Magaizine interview, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


1.      Hello Tony and welcome to Tell us a little bit about yourself.ton
Hey man, thank for this opportunity, I really appreciate being tossed on the other side of the table.

Well, I am a magazine editor of Mass Histeria Magazine, a music fan, a bunch of other things and a believer…one of those chandelier swinging, Bible thumping, born againers, lol.

2. Were can we find you on the web?

on myspace

3. Over the years you have interviewed literally hundreds of bands and artists. Are there any that stand out to you in their interviews that you were really impressed with over the others?

Lance King was cool and so was Rob Rock. Two great singers active in the metal world.  I was happy that Bride was one of the first bands that agreed to be interviewed.  Mortification was another cool interview.  I really think Steve Rowe of Mortification is one of the most inspirational Christian metal musicians out there.

3.  And in the same vein, have any of them not been what you expected?

I’d have to say some indie bands tend to get long winded and expect the world to bemas handed to them on a pedestal.  Dreaming big is cool, but I think some expect everything for free, especially in the Christian realm.  I give some guidelines before I do interviews, and they get discarded all the time.

Some bands avoid the spiritual questions I ask, and then I won’t put them in the mag.  I don’t get to in depth with it either.  I respect one’s beliefs but won’t put in a band or artist who just wants to look cool and hide who or what they are.

And then there are the bands who promise to do an interview then left me hanging.  I rather not mention names though.  One artist had walked away from the faith.  I decided not to use his piece because he became very disrespectful and hard to correspond with.  He chose to name call instead of talk rational.  I will not promote jerks, and I don’t care who they supposedly serve.

4 What is the State of the church today toward Christian Rock and how is it different now than it was back in the 80’s?

I remember in the 80s when long haired dudes would get called immature and not true Christians.  I was one of them being ridiculed.  It didn’t matter how much I read the Bible or attended Church…the length of my hair was the measure of my spirituality…the longer it got, the less spiritual I was in their eyes.  As if there were spiritual scissors that would magically make me a better Christian.  Funny, most of the short haired women were the stone throwers too.

Nowadays it seems that having people covered in tats is the in thing for the worship team.  So a lot has changed.  Most music is accepted for the most part now, except maybe the extreme metal bands.

5. You’re a huge fan of music like a lot of us are; do you play or sing too?

I always wanted to sing and maybe pick up the bass.  I started singing with a few friends, but decided it took too much time for me right now.  I do one day want to record a full length CD with songs I wrote, even if it sucks real badly.

6. We talked briefly about how a lot of Churches want entertainment but do not want to fund it. What’s your opinion of that?

I think maybe some churches want to be treated as royalty and they forget that they have a responsibility to be about God’s business, and not their own.  Getting people into God is more important than filling seats in a particular church or building their own kingdoms…

I get mad when Christians will burn copies of CDs of bands and wonder why the band didn’t make it or can’t afford to tour.  I also hate it when a band does finally come around to a local venue and Christians won’t be their to support them, yet go to secular shows and drop tons of cash…it is hypocrisy because they are the same ones who critique the Christian bands.


To toss one of the questions that you ask bands back at you; if you could be remembered for something, what would you want it to be?

That I was a normal dude who battled my own issues, but tried to live a Godly life despite myself.  I hope that somehow my life will help others, even if it is for someone to learn from my mistakes.  Whether my name is remembered or not is not important to me.  Though being in an encyclopedia would be cool, hahahah.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 29, 2009 at 7:50 AM

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Interview with Aaron Rodenberg and the Guys from “600 Stanley”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

600Hello and welcome to Kickacts. com. Tell us a little bit about 600 Stanley, were you can be found on the web, and your MySpace page is a little vague, who plays what?

Aaron Rodenberg- Our MySpace page is 600stanley@myspace. That’s it. That’s our contact.
Abe Ford- Were not web savvy.
Gary Folz- And none of us are trained musicians, so we switch instruments.
Ben Rodenberg- Were drunks
AR- Yeah, That’s basically it.
AF- No, we’ve just been drinking.

2-You have probably been asked this a million times. Are you related to Carl Rodenberg? If so, has that helped or hindered you in your music endeavor?

B-I’m related, but that doesn’t matter
AR- Yeah, he’s Ben and I’s uncle, but it hasn’t helped or hindered anything. He told some good stories last thanksgiving.
G-I don’t know if I am. Maybe.
AF- I met him in a bathroom once.  602

3.  Do you guys have any shows coming up? If so, were can we check you guys out at?
AR- No shows coming up, sorry. But you can check us out at MySpace!!!!

4. I hope you take this as a compliment, but your recordings sound like they were recorded in the trunk of 1975 Coupe De Ville next to Jimmie Hoffa’s body. This to me symbolizes the “underground music scene”. Do you have plans to press them and get them to the public?

AR- I don’t know, my record player is broken.  How did you know about Jimmie Hoffa’s value as an acoustic dampening device?
B-Man, he’s going to think were a bunch of assholes! We don’t know how to record. They were supposed to be reference tracks anyway.
AR- Yeah, I can still remember getting pissed about some of the stuff that was put on MySpace. I’m glad someone likes it though!603

5. What do you think about the present music scene or lack of here in the Evansville area? There are not a lot of places that
encourage and allow original music anymore. Care to address that?

B- I think there’s so much potential in this town it’s ridiculous.
AF- The music’s there, you just have to find it. The Deerhead has some good original music.
G- Lanhucks is good for original music, too. But people want to hang in meat markets (get laid at bars).
AR- I think it has to do with attitude as well. Most people aren’t looking for culture when they go out. But I think if we had a good all ages venue like Bogart’s (Cincinnati) or Mississippi Nights (St. Louis) there would be a more positive atmosphere for originals.

6. Got any “best” gigs and “worst” gigs stories to share?

AF- The second gig we played at Lanhucks was pretty good.
AR- Yeah, the first gigs at Lamasco were packed as well. We fried a monitor at Boney Junes, but there were only about twelve people there to see it. It was still pretty cool though.

7. You guys are trying to make music that is not status quo, (not the band, but music in general) How would you best describe it?

AR- We’re the original cover band.
B- We try to reach out to different genres. When we switch up instruments, it brings a different vibe in different arrangements. It makes a difference if Gary’s playing guitar or bass, as opposed to just singing, for example.
G- We pull it out of our asses.
AF- Yeah, but a unicorn’s ass!

8. Who are your heroes and what inspired you to take up making music?

AR- I love so many different kinds of music. I guess my dad and my brother Dave would be my biggest influences as far as playing goes
B- Stevie ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix, my brother Dave.
G- Vince Gauraldi, Ali Fakir, Alice in Chains, my dad, grandpa, Jesus
AR- Oh, me too also with the Jesus.
AF- Diverse. I don’t know how to word it.

9. What do you guys do for day jobs to support your music?

AR- I’m a bartender at Lamasco, so I work nights
B- Server at tumbleweed
G- Indentured servant
AF- I sell bike parts.

10. # 10 is called “Shout it Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about.
So go ahead, and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!601

AR- all of human history has led up to this point, where we as humans understand the general scope of things. We should definitely be seeking out new places to colonize. And I think we have learned enough about eco-system balances that we could responsibly do that. In outer space.
G- But people are going to die.
B- Still, it’s better than spending money shooting bombs at each other.
AF- Well, it’s a big yard.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 22, 2009 at 8:42 AM

Categories: Ten Questions   Tags:

Dead Monster Washes Ashore in Montauk, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

No, Lizzie Grubman’s still alive. This is an actual monster, some sort of rodent-like creature with a dinosaur beak. A tipster says that there is “a government animal testing facility very close by in Long Island,” but unless the government is trying to design horrible Montauk monsters that will eat IEDs and fart fire at bad Iraqis, we’re not sure why they would create such an unthinkable beast. Our guess is that it’s viral marketing for something. Ali Lohan’s new album perhaps. get more at

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 19, 2009 at 7:19 AM

Categories: General   Tags:

STAR TREK 2009, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

star-trekFirst up. I am a huge STAR TREK  TREKKIE….OK? So let’s get that out of the way. I have followed the evolving series since I found it in reruns as a kid way back in the 70’s. Long before some of the props that are in existence now due to STAR TREK were even invented. Need an example? The hand held communicator. Today it’s a cell phone and comes complete with a flip top. So there …

This morning I received my copy of STAR TREK;) I would recommend seeing in the theater first but since I couldn’t get my wife to go … 🙁 I went for second best.

Well, I stuck it in the DVD player, turned the sound up loud like it’s supposed to be and got ready !! I wasn’t disappointed. From the word go, it rocked!!! Lot’s of action, some humor and the characters are easily identifiable too. I was hooked from start to finish. Even with the role of the original Mr. Spock also written in (Leonard Nemoy for you without an imagination) was awesome!! It wasn’t a “cameo”. His role was important to the script. The movie shows how fate, or is it destiny, together one by one.

As you know by now, I won’t give away any of the plot to any movie review so if thats what you are looking for, I am sorry. This movie is well worth seeing on the big screen and then buying it on DVD when it comes out!!!

I give it 10 Spock “Live long and Prosper’s” out of 10!!!!!


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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 17, 2009 at 1:45 PM

Categories: Chuck's Corner   Tags:

World’s Largest Snake, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Wow. Just wow.


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Posted by Allen D. Tate - May 17, 2009 at 8:57 AM

Categories: Morning Coffee   Tags:

MDA-Bud’s Harley Davidson Annual Harley Davidson Poker Run, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Annual Harley Davidson Poker Run to benefit the MDA!

Date: June 6, 2009
Location: Bud’s Harley-Davidson
Registration: 11 AM

1st Bike out at 12 PM / Last in 3:30 PM

Come for the Charity “Poker” Run & Stay for the Fun!
$15 a Hand per rider / $10 a Hand per passenger
Open to all Motorcycle Riders

Great music by Akacia, food, and prizes!!!

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Posted by Allen D. Tate - May 17, 2009 at 8:39 AM

Categories: General   Tags:

Surprise! Congress Helps the Britney Bailout Move Ahead, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Shows you what I know. In March, I predicted that something called “The Performance Rights Act,” which would require radio stations to pay musicians–or at least, music labels–whenever they play one of their recordings, would never get through Congress.

Not because the notion is necessarily a terrible idea, mind you. But because musicians and music labels seemed unlikely to be beneficiaries of Washington aid.

Today, however, the music business got one step closer to getting the bill passed: The House Judiciary Committee approved the legislation in a 21-9 vote. There’s a long way to go: If I remember my Schoolhouse Rock correctly, the bill has to get through a Senate committee, then the full House, the full Senate and then President Barack Obama’s desk before it becomes law.
more at

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 16, 2009 at 2:53 PM

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Religulous a movie review, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

A good movie
Let me tell you up front. This is a movie with a very one sided view. It’s a view of, didn’t anyone ask these questions but me? Also it is a documentary about religion, and why and how smart people. Can just place there lives in an invisible man in the sky. for the most part most, if not all people are smart, and question everything (i.e. I don’t see it I don’t believe it, then again I’m not sure about when i see it), but believe in God. Without a shred of fact to back it up, just a thought, a belief of some or something is there. Now with that said and you know where the movie is coming from. Oh and it is a Bill Mahar movie as well. Here I go.

The movie stars out a the vary spot the the bible says the world will end. Bill stands there talkng about how he started in comdy, and some of the first jokes, or poking fun at his religion. Then the history of how, andwhy he is the way he is. Then it jumps to interviews of scientist, religious people of all kind(he even goes to the Vatican). He goes to muslims, jews, and christians. To ask them why and what bases you have for believing the way they do. And it is and vary good movie. Yes it is funny, more so if your in tune with the movie.
Quick fact about when I seen this movie in theaters. When Bill was (for lack of a better term) making fun, or making christians look dumb. The crowd there was laughing up a storm. Hell they laughed even louder when he busted jews. But when Bill busted muslims the entire theater was quiet, well exept me and my friend that went with me. It was like “YEA GET THEM BUMD JEWS AND CHRISTIANS! YEA!!!!” But when Bill got to the muslims they where like, ” oh, ummm… I can’t laugh at that. They mite kill me, or that is not funny when talking about muslims.” But me and my friend where “FUCKING A RIGHT DOG. GET THEM AS WELL!!!!” Ok with that out of the way.
It was a good movie and if ou have a open mind or a lack of believing in what your told to believe. then see this movie. It even has jesus christ him self on there, Ok it is someone that think his is the 2nd coming of jesus christ. Yea, the guy realy does. See, I told you, you should see this movie.

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 16, 2009 at 2:50 PM

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