Posts tagged "james lowe"

KickActs interviews “Curious Quail”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene!

 Quail - Acoustic - Photo by Anna Larina


1. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

Mike: We are Curious Quail I’m Mike, the singer / songwriter / guitarist.

Joey: I am a drummer. My band can be found many places on the web.

Mike: Such as:,,, – we’re nothing if not predictable. Google “Curious Quail” and you don’t get birds anymore.


2. Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Joey: I think Buddy Rich said it best: “I consider every drummer who played before me an influence, in every way.”  Also, I really dig Hall and Oates!

Mike: I think you mean Garfunkel and Oates. I’m a huge fan of Louis Armstrong – Satchmo knew what was up.


3. Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

Joey: If you are just getting started, decide why you are getting into it. If you are doing it because you want to get serious about it, you better start with the basics – scales, technique, rudiments, etc.  Then practice your ass off.

Mike: Love what you love, don’t hate what you don’t. You’ll get way further being positive and supportive than you will believing you’re above anyone. The moment you start thinking “I deserve to be more successful than X band…” you need to seriously reevaluate what you’re doing.


4. Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

Joey: When I was in high school, I took a one-time gig as a member of a “Mickey Mouse Marching Band” for some well-off little kid’s birthday party. There were five or six of us in the “band.”  We had to march into the room playing the theme to the Mickey Mouse Club, perform a Disney medley, and finish by leading everyone in the singing of “Happy Birthday.” We wore Mickey Mouse ears and marched around a private little room in the back of a Chinese restaurant. I was playing the bass drum, and I’m pretty sure I bumped into several of the family members during our performance.

Easiest $100 I ever made for a gig.

Mike: I can’t top that.


5. On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

Mike: We were playing a “Music After Dark” series that followed the City’s sponsored “Music in the Park” free concerts downtown. The shady promotion company involved forgot to send a sound person who, y’know, could actually USE the equipment. He seriously looked like if he touched the console for more than five seconds that it would electrocute him or something. So about 3 songs in they tell us forgot they were supposed to hang a banner behind the stage with the name of the radio station that sponsored the show and cut into our set time in order to do so. 2 songs later they tell us they don’t know how to handle the equipment and that we have to turn it down ourselves. I say “are you fucking kidding me?” and they tell us to get off stage. Joey goes outside to find the guy that runs the company, he’s having a beer with his buddies, and gives him the 3rd degree about how unprofessional his organization is. I get a call from the radio station manager the next day apologizing and saying they fired the promotion company; turns out he was sitting right next to the guy as Joey was tearing into him.

 Quail 2 - Photo by Anna Larina

6. Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

Joey: I don’t draw boobs anymore, but I do consider myself somewhat of an artist.  I got to help with the album art for our upcoming release, and I’ve been working on art for an eventual music video.

Aside from that, I spend much of my time sleeping (approximately 1/3 of my life).

Mike: I used to steal restaurant menus; I hang them up in my kitchen. I don’t know WHY I started doing this, I just did.


7. What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

Joey: We need more people who want to come out and see bands.

Mike: Exactly.

Joey: It might be a lack of viable venues, the cost of shows in a down economy, or the fact that, following the Napster generation, most people expect music to be free and easily accessible from the comfort of their own homes. It might also be that the musicians who grew up on bands such as Nirvana and Pearl Jam are not focused on a “stage show,” and that this makes people less excited about going out to see live music.

Mike: Like, we have a good community going in our area right in terms of venues and bands, but yea – people don’t seem to understand that in order for musicians to survive these days you have to go see them live.

Joey: We need more GWAR!

Mike: That too.


8. Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…

Joey: Let’s see –

Erin is from Texas.

Abe once tried out as bassist for our band.

Alan often arrives to rehearsal bumping classical music.

Mike’s jaw is made mostly of synthetic material after an unfortunate face-punching incident.

Mike: Joey once got called in for Jury duty and said “Don’t worry, I’ll get excused because my dad was a cop” and comes back instead saying “I’m the foreman…”


9. Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

Joey: Ginger…?

Mike: Real talk: While I feel old a LOT of the time when interacting with our musical peers, this is not one of those times. I’ve never seen Gilligan’s Island. I know the premise and all, but it’s way before my time I never had Nick at Nite.


10. # 10 is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about anything you want!

Joey:  I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that all of the molecules in your body existed long before you burst into consciousness in your current form, and that those same molecules will eventually become part of some other sentient or static element of our world. Life is infinite and simultaneously in infinite peril of inexistence. We are all responsible for our own actions, even if in the end they matter little in the bigger picture. You can chose to create or destroy, but those choices will ring out through the cosmos.

Mike: Too much Neil deGrasse Tyson for you, man. But seriously – if you’ve never heard of “Skeletor is Love” please go google it. So worth your time.

Thanks James, this has been a blast! Oh, did you end up picking up that giant map-wall hanging?

Quail - Photo by Anna Larina

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Posted by Chuck Gee - May 23, 2014 at 12:00 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , ,

KickActs interviews “The Still Winter”!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene.

 stillwinter pic

 Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

Well we got together one day, we put our right hand in, we put our right hand out, we put our right hand in once again and shook it all about. We did the hokey pokey, turned ourselves around and BAM there it was the spell worked! We’ve played with Rufio, Eve 6, Reel Big Fish, Unwritten Law, Dan Arnold of Strung Out, Warped Tour 2013 to name a few, and hopefully a few more to come soon! It’s amazing getting to play with bands we grew up listening to and going to THEIR shows! You can find us NEARLY ANYWHERE!!! we’re on iTunes, Pandora, Facebook, and about 150+ other social networks we (and you probably) didn’t even know existed! lol no but really, we found an article for bands a while back and how to get your name out there and it had a part that said to get a profile on a list of websites… So we did every one naturally. Our main source is to keep it simple though, it’s got links to our main social networks as well and up to date news etc.


 Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Again we all have so many influences, it’s hard to know where to begin. My Chemical Romance, The Offspring, Greenday, Lady Gaga, Paramore, Panic at the Disco, Muse are just the tippy top of the iceberg if that. The list could go on forever if you let us!


 Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

It’s not what you think. It’s a LOT of work. Aside from whether you or your friends think your good or you suck its a LOT of work. It never ends and you only find out more and more ways to try to build your audience and get on shows. Also, don’t turn down shows for petty reasons, you don’t like a promoter, a band or a venue, IT”S STILL A SHOW!


Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

Honestly every show is our greatest gig. There’s always new fans, new bands, a wonderful night and playing in this band we have had the wonderful experience of playing with bands we used to listen too and even go to their shows in high school, it’s amazing getting to experience sharing the stage with some of those bands we grew up with. Secondly we love hearing from other people, whether it be a message or comment on a social network or in person after a show when someone says that they loved the music and they felt they could relate to the song or the music helped them in some way like through a hard time or anything like that. That is always the best compliment you can hear, that your music and what you do has actually touched someone in some way, it’s amazing.

On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

 Won’t mention any names but a certain I booked us a certain venue with a promoter and he told me it was back lined and show up at 5:30 and doors open at 7 and we were scheduled for 9:30. It was presale tickets as well so we had I think 50 to sell which he couldn’t meet with me to get them till literally 8 days before the event… Anyways so the day before he calls asking if they were sold, I said yes and asked again if it was back lined, he responded yes. I then asked again if all we needed was our guitars and amp heads along with cymbals, he assured again yes its all back lined. We show up at the venue which is an hour away and immediately he just starts asking for money and we weren’t even all there yet. We ask what’s going on when can we go in and he didn’t know. about 6:30 we give him the money after he came back out and he asked us where our gear was so we could start stacking it and insisted he didn’t say it was back lined and then continued to argue that back lined meant you brought your own gear. So we had to borrow gear from I think 3 other bands which was amazing and very gracious. and then we got moved to 7:45. most of our fans didn’t end up making it due to getting off of work too late but we still had a nice crowd and they enjoyed us but the set up of everything was absurd.


Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

Richie can build just about anything, and does home security and custom home theaters. he’s like Kelly’s personal imagineer, Case in point our sample rig. I build a cabinet to hold our samples and his wireless mic and in ear monitor, used duck tape instead of paint per request, used studs, wood lettering and gears/cogs for decor. It has 3 shelves, a door, and a removable faceplate for the top shelve accompanied by the castor wheels of a revolving computer chair that is in fact height adjustable… Kelly enjoys a nice MMO on his days off, or a hike in the woods. He also enjoys lying on the floor of the bathroom for up to 14hrs with the shows on the whole time because it sounds like rain. (ok that was one time for that long but he really does lie on the floor by the shower for that reason, just not always THAT long) Cam rebuilds and customizes his own guitars, Dean.. well we’re not sure he’s real. Dave enjoys taking on every band he hears of as a side project, legend has it, not even he knows how many bands he’s really in. o.0


What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

 ast_nThe music scene has changes SO much, I mean back in 2005 Richie went to nearly 200 shows a year between local bands and national acts. (still has the bracelets/tickets in a box) there used to be a lot more venues too and even some of the ones that are still around have gown way down hill, hell there used to even be more festivals for that matter around our area but the festivals have gone and so have a lot of the venues. Neither, I feel are what they used to be for whatever reason.


Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…

I want to blow things up with my mind. Wait a second… Is this a test!?


Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

            Finally a legit question! Richie would take Ginger and Mary Ann, because Ginger is like the original Paris Hilton minus the bad attributes and Marry Ann is like the girl next door let loose. Kelly would take Mrs. Howell because she’s aged to perfection and has the experience to back it and the rest of the band would hook up with each other because the three girls are now spoken for and we don’t share well.


Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

Be careful around Richie. He bites, but it’s cuz he cares. Don’t forget to check us out find us on your favorite social network and harass us how you please!


Posted by Chuck Gee - March 14, 2014 at 12:00 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

KickActs interviews “For The Life Of Me”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene.

Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

What’s up, this is Austin, I play guitar in the rock n’ roll band, For The Life Of Me from Portland, Oregon. We can be found at and and at Our EP ‘Closure’ is up on itunes and amazon mp3.


Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Conor Oberst of Bright Eyes. He is a lyrical and creative genius. He has a huge catalog of work and still continues to find new words and new music for his expression that never gets old. Sigur Ros… ultimately, probably my favorite band. When ( ) came out in 2002 it blew me away, opened my eyes to all new kinds of music, and became a huge influence. I didn’t think I would ever hear any other music like it and so far I’ve been right.


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

You can’t avoid pitfalls. They’re always going to be there, probably 2-1, you just have to keep at it. Keep practicing, keep bouncing back, and keep doing what you do. Don’t change your style to fit in or try to emulate anyone else.


 Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

In a previous band we had our “farewell show” and sold out the smaller, mid-size venue of around 500 people or so with the help of some of our friends’ bands. That was one of the best feelings I ever had. Knowing that many people wanted to come out for just a local show.


On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

I’m not sure I could name one specific worst show. More like worst shows…plural. I remember a few when I was much younger. One where I completely forgot a lengthy part on the guitar so just played random stuff until the next part. It was a mess. Another time when I didn’t realize until after the song was over that I played the whole thing in the wrong tuning. When you’re on stage sometimes it’s really hard to hear everyone at the same time, so I can only imagine what it sounded like to the crowd. So stupid.


Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

Actually, the 8th grader in me still likes to send random emails with (.)(.) to my coworkers. I really love movies and have way too many dvds. I also like stealing coasters from restaurants and bars. The most prized one so far is from the ice bar in Las Vegas. I think they charge like $6 for one in the gift shop. So it doesn’t even come from the actual bar. Screw that.FTLOM2


 What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

Sucks. Less and less people are playing real instruments or singing with their real voices. Electronic drum tracks, programmed guitar, auto-tune… Lots of people will defend it, saying something like “well that’s what they’re into and at least they’re being creative.” I think it’s pathetic and embarrassing to be honest. Maybe (hopefully) that’s just around here. (editor note: I couldn’t agree more!)


 Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…

Jeff loves monster trucks and big game hunting, Chris is a big time graphic designer for Beyonce and the like, I love cold weather like most people love warm weather and enjoy going to see movies by myself, Lee loves running in marathons and sometimes jogs in place during practice.


Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

Well definitely not Ginger. That’s pretty much self-explanatory. I’m not the grandma type so not Mrs. Howell. Obviously it’s Mary Ann if the professor is totally out.


Our last one is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s where you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

I just want to go on record and say that general academia and the accepted timeline of world history is appalling. Especially in America where we’re supposed to believe that North and Central America were only “discovered” around 500 years ago. That’s ridiculous. Just in general, human civilization goes back much, much further than described in text books. One of a million examples is how the great pyramids and the sphinx are said to have been built by the Egyptians around 2500 BC. Sorry to them, but no. There is heavy rainwater erosion all over the sphinx. When has it ever rained regularly in Egypt? Before a major pole shift and climate change that happened a little over 12,000 years ago, which dates the sphinx to roughly 10,500 BC. Look it up. Chew on that a bit.(editor note: good stuff!)


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Posted by Chuck Gee - March 12, 2014 at 8:24 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , ,

KickActs interviews “Pullman Standard”!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene. The following is a written interview we conducted with the artist!

Pullman Standard

pullman standard picture

Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

Austin:  The First Pullman Standard show as a full band was in 2008, We have since played over 500 shows and self-released 2 E.P.’s and a full – length album.  find our music everywhere but maybe start at our website


Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Band: There is no one band that we look at and say thats who we want to sound like.  We listen to everything, The Police, The Cure , Deftones , Jimmy Eat World , Anberlin , Explosions in the Sky , Smashing Pumpkins, Bruno Mars, Nine Inch Nails, The Offspring, No Doubt, Kings of Leon , Thrice, Neon Trees , The Killers , Queen … I love Pop it is a definate guilty pleasure … Pink , LMFAO , Kelly Clarkson , One Republic, Jason Derulo , Cher lloyde, Kesha


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

Timmy: Stay focused , remember that this is something that you should love to do…. Nothing is achieved without hard work and tenacity.  So work hard!


Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?   

Timmy:  We got to perform for the great Don Was , look him up, he is a cool guy.


On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

Timmy: I think the only thing that can really make a gig crappy is a bad promoter.  We have played in some pretty bad weather conditions and pretty unorthidox venues but we always make the best of the shows. 

Austin : We performed at the Dallas TX Rock n Roll marathon in Mid march and it was 22 degrees on the stage and it was super windy… I couldnt feel my fingers as i tried to get through each song.


Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

Timmy:  All my friends use to make fun of me , but i like building miniature stuff… Model Trains, Model Cars, RC planes… But i love vintage Cars, would love to rebuild something from the 1950’s

Austin: Im a big fan of Vintage and Foreign films , Random Novels


What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

Although three out of four of us are from San Diego we are based out of Los Angeles… North Hollywood to be exact.  The scene here is over saturated to say the least and its hard to ever get any body out to a local show because most of the smaller venues have been taken over by pay to play promoters that dont really care about the scene and make you sell a whole bunch of tickets for a thirty minute time slot. But i guess thats one of the beauties about touring.  


Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…

 Timmy:  I am an avid motorcycle enthusiast 

Austin:  I am into geology and cartography and land study

Gilly: I am a big big fan of the spiderman comic series

Core:  I have a dog named Charlie its a german shepherd

Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

Timmy:  Mary Ann, so cute…I guess i have a thing for simple er low maintenance girls

Austin:  Ginger?

Gilly: Mrs Howell… Cougar 

Core: Did i mention I have a dog named Charlie and its a German shepherd???lol


Our last question is called “Shout it out Loud”. It’s were you get to say anything you would like to say, so go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!”

We are doing a lot of touring this year … Please come out and support us if you see that we are in your town… And on that note, support your local music scene.


Posted by Chuck Gee - February 14, 2014 at 12:00 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Ten questions with ZotheJerk of The Jerk Nation, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene. The following is a written interview we conducted with the artist while they were working on their next CD and Tour. First off

I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busey schedule to talk to us here today, as i know our readers have been requesting us get you in here some how some way. You folks have been described by your fans as internet

sensations in this interview we will attempt to figure out how this artist became such a great performer and what they have going forward.


1. Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.


I am ZotheJerk of The Jerk Nation. Im a rap artist specializing in Hip Hop and Soul. My sound is a thrilling thought provoking roller coaster ride of sheer delight.


2. Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?


Im influenced by the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Eminem, Jay Z, Hasous Clay, Boldy James, Pink floyd, and lots of others


3. Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?


My greatest advice would be find yourself musically and never veer from who you are. Allow yourself to grow even reinvent yourself but never allow someone to tell you who to be musically


4. Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?


My favorite memory was of a show i performed at in Lawrence, Kansas. There was two kids there like 8 to 10 years old, and they actually introduced us the show! It was a moment i will never forget.


5. On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.


First show ever we were booed off the stage by crowd of at least 1000 people. lol that was the true beginning of my career


6. Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?


i do love pictures of boobs lol, my hobby is philosophy and people. i love to connect with different people and experience different cultures


7. What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?


I think there is a music scene in Kansas City but i think its spread out in movements. The artists are generating interest and getting the gigs. Their fan base is growing some are securing major deals and blowing up the independent scene. I think confidence in this cycle has got to be stronger. there are so many brilliant artists that the artists have to self govern where they want the scene to go, thats how i see it at least


8. Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…


EdofTheJN is is passionate about Honey Mustard from Mcdonalds, Reag has his own language called Reaganese, Hashous Clay is emotionally attached to subway, and i am addicted to Jacstack BBQ lol


9. Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?


lets see Mrs Howell has that bread, Ginger was to hot to be loyal and Mary Ann looks freaky, I’d start at Ginger and work down to Mrs. Howell so upon rescue id have a rich cougar on my team lol


10. # 10 is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!


Thanks for taking the time to chat with me! Let me give a BIIIIG What Up Doe to Bo, Reag, Hash, Ed, CJ, Pookie Snuggle, Alex, Marlon, Peters, B MO and all my real immediate crew, Look out for the “LIVE” album coming this Fall! CHeck us out on its our culture… Its Where We Live!!


Posted by Chuck Gee - November 25, 2013 at 8:09 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , ,

Ten Questions with DOMINICAN DON, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene. The following is a written interview we conducted with the artist while they were working on their next CD and Tour.


Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at Keith Isaac 012on the web.

i am a solo artist i love making music it is in my blood the passion the drive keeps me going thats y  I’m number 1 on the ReverbNation Hip Hop charts for Fort Myers, FL.

Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

jay-z because he is the man biggie  2pac and big l them boys are really great with thers music

Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

dont stop if your good at this keep it goin one day it mite take off you will never know

 Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

the fist time i got on stage i knew this music is for me im nice

On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

never really had one

 Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

sports clothes girls making money n more

What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?


Tell us something about each of your band members…

im nice i work solo and the people i work with to they are all great artist too

 Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

haha funny marry ann she a pyt preety young thing that my style

Our last question  is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!




Posted by Chuck Gee - November 15, 2013 at 8:46 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , ,

KickActs interviews Rick Devin!, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Recently James Lowe from Kickacts Magazine sat down with one of the very exciting artists on the scene. The following is a written interview we conducted with the artist while they were working on their next CD and Tour. First off I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to us here today, as i know our readers have been requesting us get you in here somehow some way. You folks have been described by your fans as internet sensations in this interview we will attempt to figure out how this artist became such a great performer and what they have going forward.


1. Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

Rick Devin (RD): Thanks guys, it’s an honor to be here. Well let’s see, I’ve been playing guitar & singing for over 4 decades, have performed on thousands of stages worldwide with some of music’s biggest names, have been nominated or won dozens of music awards and now we just released my ninth solo album, “Old School 2: Rock Hits of the 60s& 70s”. It’s a collection of 12 of our favorite classic rock songs, featuring keyboardist/vocalist Chris Pitman (Guns N’ Roses), drummer Chet McCracken (Doobie Brothers, Joe Walsh, America, Stevie Nicks), guitarist Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal (Guns N’ Roses), guitarist Chris Pinnick (Chicago, Chuck Negron, Herb Alpert), guitarist Philip Donnelly (Donovan, Johnny Cash, Townes Van Zandt, Everly Brothers, John Prine, Gary Moore), drummer Stuart Lawrence (Donovan), saxophonist Beto Saroldi (Gilberto Gil) and vocalists Maria Ricart, Manoel Pires and Rosa Lucena and my brother Sean Devin… All of the online music websites have our music; here are just a few with their direct links: | Apple iTunes | | CD Baby



2. Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Rick_Devin_at_2012_GRAMMY+Awards(2)RD: I was born in 1960 outside of Boston, Massachusetts and started playing guitar at age nine. My earliest musical influences were the popular bands of that time, such as The Beatles, The Animals, Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel, The Everly Brothers, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, etc. During my teen years, during the 1970s, my repertoire grew to include songs by bands such as America, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Joe Walsh, Eric Clapton, The Eagles, Willie Nelson and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. I guess I’d have to say that my ‘sound’, instrumentally and vocally, is an amalgamation of all of the above.



3. Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

RD: Have fun, don’t give up and just stick to it!! Learn to make music from your heart, practice until your fingers bleed and share your music with your family & friends – eventually if you follow your heart, you’ll be recording albums and performing in front of thousands of fans.



4. Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

RD: I have had the honor of performing on stage with many of music’s biggest names, but for me the best part is audience participation – with everyone just singing along, dancing and having a good time.



5. On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

RD: A very ‘challenging gig’ I had was when I dislocated my left shoulder just prior to walking on stage in Colorado to perform with country music star Michael Martin Murphey (Wildfire, Geronimo’s Cadillac, What’s Forever For)… I performed the 45 minute set, with my guitar slid to the right so that my left arm could reach the guitar neck. No one in the audience even knew I was playing with a dislocated shoulder, ha-ha… “The Show Must Go On”, right? I got off the stage and went straight to the Hospital Emergency Room, Ha-ha…

Band Portraits Banner


6. Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

RD: Music Business for Independent Recording Artists never really ends, so I’m pretty much face down most of the time…but when I do get a chance, I enjoy traveling, skiing, mountaineering and genealogy.



7. What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

RD: For me the biggest change in the music industry has been in recording techniques… I first started recording with a ‘compact cassette recorder’ in the mid-70s using only one microphone to pick up the entire audio sound, ha-ha. Whereas on this recent studio release, we recorded up to thirty different tracks, in nine different studios, on three different continents, and shared all of the audio files via Wow, we’ve come a long way baby.



8. Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…

RD: How about if I tell you about how we all came together as a band to create this recording and what inspired it? You see it started in March of 2010, during the Guns N’ Roses’ Chinese Democracy World Tour, GN’R band members Chris Pitman, Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal & Frank Ferrer stopped by my home on Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro. We listened to my first “Old School: Hits of the 60s & 70s” CD and conversations started right then about recording a ‘sequel’ / ‘follow up’ CD. The question I would ask each Guest Musician is, “If you could actually choose… What would be a ‘Classic Rock Song’ (from the 60s & 70s) that you’ve always dreamed of recording, but never got a chance to?”… Chris Pitman wanted to record some Beatles’ songs, “Bumblefoot” a tune from ZZ Top, Chris Pinnick some Clapton, etc., etc… You see, many of these guys are touring or recording what ‘Band Management’ tells them to record, so for me to ask them, ‘What do YOU wish YOU could record?’, puts a nice twist on things. I of course needed to like their song selections (which was super easy) and in most cases the songs were already within my Repertoire anyway. Chet McCracken and Chris Pinnick both worked with me on the first “Old School” CD. They’re both incredible musicians and it was great to be working with both of them again. In May 2011, in a Pub in Tipperary, Ireland, I met Philip Donnelly & Stuart Lawrence. We performed a few songs together and agreed to work together on my Old School 2: Rock Hits of the 60s & 70s. Their choice was a tune written by Slim Harpo that had been covered by The Yardbirds.



9. Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

RD: Mary Ann… I guess I’ve always been more smitten with the girl next door charms…



10. # 10 is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

RD: I’d like to take a chance to thank our listeners, anyone who’s bought a CD / Download, or come to one of our shows, thank you very much because we wouldn’t be able to do this without you. Cheers, you guys rock!




Posted by Chuck Gee - September 24, 2013 at 6:21 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , ,

Kickacts interviews Anja McCloskey, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Special thanks to James Lowe of Transmedia World Wide!


Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

I am a German-American singer-songwriter and accordionist signed to Sotones Records. I spent the last 10 years in the UK, but am currently touring the US. You can find me here:


 Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?        

I think my influences are a mad concoction of the music I was exposed to when growing up in 80s Germany, when studying in the ever so eclectic London, and when spending time in the American Mid-West. I was a teenager before the internet was popular, so it was very hard to find underground or alternative music. When the internet finally did come along and I moved to London, it was almost overwhelming. I worked with many different bands and musicians, and I am sure that their approach to songwriting has influenced me somehow. But I was also influenced by other artists who chose the accordion as their main instrument. It showed me that accordion could be cool and interesting.

Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

I think gigging is the most important element of starting out as a musician. Play as many concerts as possible, build up your audience and your confidence. And always be polite! You never know when you will meet people again.

Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

When I released my debut album “An Estimation”, we had a homecoming gig in Southampton, England, for which we hired an old castle ruin in the city. It was so beautiful. We ended up playing under the stars and it was such an intimate and special experience. I wish I could do it again some day.

On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

Every musician will have stories like these. I have played in many peculiar venues and sometimes under difficult circumstances, but I won’t name and shame J

Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

I collect match boxes actually… But apart from that I am also into photography and writing and I love going to the theatre.

What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

I have had a very positive experience. My label Sotones Records is a very collaborative label and the musicians signed to it are encouraged to work together and share skills. I have made fantastic friends on the label and you just feel that people have your back. We always play on each others’ records and do concerts together and I am lucky to have such a supportive network of fellow musicians.

Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…headn

Well as a solo performer I will have to talk about myself… Hm, I am generally a little bit peculiar, so there are many things I could tell you. I once wrote a letter to Kenneth Branagh, after seeing him play Edmond at the National Theatre in London. He wrote back and I have kept the letter to this day!

Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

You know, I have no idea. I am not much of a TV person and I have to admit, I have never ever watched Gilligan’s Island…

Our last question is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

You should take the time to check out some of my label mates at Sotones Records. They are all wonderful. In fact, my label mates Etao Shin and I released a joint Christmas single in December, which you download for free here:

Posted by Chuck Gee - April 19, 2013 at 7:49 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , , , ,

KickActs interviews “while She Waits”, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Welcome to Kick Acts. Tell us a little about yourself and your band and were you can be found at on the web.

facebook_781048956 (2)

Who are your musical heroes, influences & why?

Black Stone Cherry, Godsmack, Creed, Volbeat

Lynard, Shinedown….They rock enough said lol


Do you have any advice for someone just getting started in playing music? Any pitfalls they should avoid?

Hmmm tough question. We never like to spill our secrets, but one piece of advice I can give is..think local, stay local…You have to expand your visions and invest in yourself. Pitfalls Ive seen is worrying about what others think (not fans) everyone will down you when pushing music. I learned a great tip from a big artist. He told me, when you become successful your hometown scene will turn their backs on you. We have not seen this and hope not too, but I can understand the theory. The odds of getting signed and becoming famous are really slim, but always follow your dreams. Also play good gear, don’t play garbage lol.


Do you have a greatest gig story you’d like to share?

Best gig to date for While She Waits was playing in the town of Kingman on our last tour. Awesome people and many have became dear friends of ours. Those freaking people know how to party…But it is Kingman Arizona, what the hell else are you gonna do there


 On the same token as the above question. How about a “worse gig” ever story.

Probably our show with Fuel. We had just gotten off tour and took a few week break. We played very loose and we all knew it. I actually forgot the first line one of our songs hahahah. I mumbled through it lol


Do you have any other hobbies other than playing music? Collect stamps? Collect hats from off the side of the road? Draw pictures of boobs?

James Cole- I do tattoos. Aaron Belk- This guy loves to fart, man he is an expert at farting. Blake is an absolute expert in dressing like a clown. A female clown hahah.

Tim Rooen, this freaking guy throws a party for everything. Every weekend is a reason to throw a party.Now Tims wife is expecting so we can imagine the parties to come haha Tommy just had a new son, that his is hobby and pride and joy of his life.


What do you think about the present music scene or lack of? Care to address that?

wsw1Uggggg don’t hate me people lol. Too many bands follow what everyone else is doing. Its ok to have influences, but all the new music sounds the same…and you extreme metal heads..expand your music a little lol. I love John Denver for gods sake hahahah


Tell us something about each of your band members that we wouldn’t expect to hear… Like their hobbies or something like that…


James Cole is old as dirt, was a Parole Officer and can crop dust a crowd like no other.

Aaron Belk collects trolls or something like that wtf? Hahaha

Tommy Gibbons is from South Korea and hates Kim Yuoung Bung of North Korea.

Blake Jordan hangs pictures of buff dudes in his living room cause he wants to look like them hahahah

Tim Rooen is the biggest Ren Fair goober Ive ever met hahaha He collects flags and stuff


Hypothetical situation. You’re stranded on Gilligan’s island and you get to hook up with only one of the girls… Is it Ginger, Mary Ann or Mrs. Howell and why?

I think we all agree with ginger…She is hot and can prolly work a pole lol


Our last question  is called “Shout It Out Loud”. It’s were you get to talk about whatever you want to talk about. So go ahead and “SHOUT IT OUT LOUD”!

Why is it when a man is wiping his butt and the toilet paper rips, his first instinct is to smell his finger? Hahaha you  re laughing because you have done it. Stay real out there homies and wash your darn hands



Posted by Chuck Gee - March 28, 2013 at 7:02 AM

Categories: General   Tags: , , ,

Interview with Author Chris Delaney, pub-2427795083793513, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Hi Chris and thank you for joining us today. So your book the 73 rules for influencing the interview using psychology, nlp and hypnotic persuasion techniques , can it really help me secure more job offers?

First thank you for inviting me down for this interview. As we all know competition is at an all time high due to the world wide recession and global competition for all jobs, the techniques in the book are designed to give the interviewee the edge over other applicants by using psychology, nlp and hypnotic language.

Well that sounds a bit Derren Brown to me, does it work?

As you can see from Derren Brown’s TV shows these techniques do work, I’m not saying you go into an interview and put the interviewer into a deep trance or for that matter I’m not saying you need to pull out a gold watch saying “hire me, hire me” if you do that your most likely going to be asked to leave. In the book you will learn how to understand the employer’s personality type, what motivates them and how to persuade and influence them.

So, once you know the interviewers personality type you can manipulate them?

Everyone filters information differently, some get bored with detail and just need an overview, while others get stressed or Read more…

Posted by Chuck Gee - October 24, 2012 at 8:29 AM

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